If I Were You (I'd Fall in Love with Me)

Nov 28, 2022 13:15

Amanda rounded the corner and saw three of her favorite people standing at the nurse’s station.  A wide smile spread across her face as she crossed the hall.  As she got closer she noticed that Steve seemed a bit agitated.

“Dad, I’m serious,” Steve said his voice low but still audible.

“Why not?  I'll just give a little nudge.  Nothing too heavy-handed.  I promise," Mark said with a mischievous smile, placing one hand over his heart.

“Yeah Steve we’ll just hint around,” Jesse said, in a deadpan voice but with a twinkle in his eye as he apparently gave his friend a hard time.

Steve vehemently shook his head, “Absolutely not.  You guys have to swear you won’t say anything to her…”

They hadn’t noticed Amanda yet but her curiosity was peaked so she interrupted and asked, “Say anything to whom?”

Steve, Mark, and Jesse whirled around eyes wide and all three gave a surprised shout, “Amanda!”

“That’s me,” Amanda said in bewilderment.  “What’s up?”

“Uhm…” Steve sputtered looking slightly panicked.

“We were wondering if you wanted to come up to the cabin this weekend.  We were inviting the whole gang for a nice relaxing couple of days,” Mark smoothly cut in with his usual charismatic smile.

“This weekend?” Amanda asked absentmindedly as she mentally went through her calendar.  Today was Wednesday and she had to work for the next two days but after that she was free. “My shift ends late Friday night so I think I could come up early Saturday morning.”

“Oh good!” Steve said loudly and then winced.

Amanda shot him a look wondering what was with her friend today.

Mark started to chuckle but then turned it into a cough when Steve glared at him.

Steve shuffled awkwardly then gave them a strained smile, before mumbling something about having a cold case he needed to work on and walking quickly away.

“What was that about?” Amanda asked Mark and Jesse as they turned and headed for the cafeteria.

Mark and Jesse shared a look that Amanda couldn’t interpret and then Mark said, “Oh nothing he has a lot on his mind right now but I am hopeful that it will all work out here soon.”

“Okaaaaay,” Amanda said, drawing out the word, she had a feeling she was being left out of something. She would have to reach out to Steve later and make sure he was okay.  “Maybe I should talk to him? See if there is anything I could do to help?"

“Skis!” Jesse said suddenly almost desperately.

This time it was Amanda’s turn to jump at Jesse’s exclamation, “Skis?” She asked wondering what that had to do with her question.

“Yeah we are supposed to get a few inches of powder overnight so you might want to make sure…to bring your skis,” Jesse finished sheepishly.

“Alright, I’ll be sure to do that,” Amanda said, giving Jesse a confused look.

Mark clapped his hands together loudly and said, “Whose starving?  Let’s eat.”  He then looped one arm around Amanda’s arm and his other one around Jesse’s and practically dragged them towards the cafeteria door.

Amanda allowed herself to be pulled to lunch but couldn’t help shaking her head wondering what had gotten into everyone today.

~Diagnosis Murder~

Amanda squinted through the windshield, trying to see through the falling snow, as her rental car slowly inched its way up the mountain road.  Worry crept up her spine and she couldn’t help but think that maybe she should have waited until tomorrow to come up to the cabin.  She had gotten off of work early and so on impulse, she decided to come up tonight instead of Saturday morning.  Now she was regretting that impulse as the snow Jesse had predicted would fall on Wednesday had actually held off until this evening.

One of the reasons she wanted to come up tonight was the fact she wanted to spend more time outside of work with Mark, Jesse, Norman, and Steve.  They had all been so busy they hadn’t spent nearly enough time together lately.  They were like family to her.  Although if she was being truly honest with herself there was one person in particular from that group that she wanted to spend more time with.


She had had a crush on that man since the day she met him.  That had been years ago but it had always been one of those low-key crushes, something that simmered in the background, but she was able to ignore for the most part.  Because let’s face it Steve was a very handsome man, plus he was kind, a good son, and an honest cop.  Okay so maybe she had more than a low-key crush nowadays but that’s where it ended.  She wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their friendship by letting him know that maybe she felt a little bit more than a friend should.  Sometimes though it was difficult especially if it was just the two of them alone, which is why lately she had taken to making sure they were never alone together because the temptation to blurt out how she felt was just too strong.

Slowing down even further to read an oncoming sign, Amanda let out a sigh of relief when she saw her turn-off was just a little ways ahead.  She had started to worry that she might have to turn around and go back down the mountain to have chains put on her car.  After a few minutes, she spotted the gravel road, along with a marker proclaiming it was private property, which would lead her to Mark and Steve’s cabin.  Turning right, she tried to remember how far down the cabin was.  She thought it was less than a mile but as slow as she was going it was going to take forever.

The road up to the cabin was well maintained and pretty straightforward as far as mountain roads go that is until the end when it makes a sharp left.  The cabin was built so it was tucked away around a bend so you couldn't see it from the main road and in consequence you had to be practically on top of it before you could find it.  Amanda was so looking forward to getting there, she was freezing, and the heater in her car could only do so much.  She knew both Mark and Steve were supposed to come up this morning.  Jesse and Norman making their way Saturday afternoon and they had offered her a ride but Amanda liked having her own car at her disposal.  To warm herself up she tried to picture the cabin all lit up the fire going in the chimney, Mark making his world-famous stew.

Seeing the bend in the road that meant she was almost there, Amanda smiled widely.

Just as she was breathing a sigh of relief something hit the back quarter panel of her car, hard, spinning the vehicle to the right.  Amanda tried to wrench the wheel in the opposite direction as she slammed on the brakes but it was no use and she couldn't help the scream that tore from her throat as her car slid off the road.

~Diagnosis Murder~

When Amanda woke up she was shivering and lying on her side up against the car door.  Blinking slowly in the dim light, she tried to figure out why half her windshield was gone and why her head hurt so badly.  The longer she stared out of what was left of the car’s windshield the reason she was laying on her side became clearer. She was on her side because the car was on its side.

Slowly the memory of what happened filtered through the pain and confusion.  Unbuckling her seatbelt, Amanda slowly moved her limbs taking stock and trying to determine if she was seriously hurt.  Nothing felt broken but her head ached like she had taken a punch.  She gingerly felt around her scalp until she found a small bump along the left side where she must have hit it against the door.  That would account for the headache.

She shifted until she got her feet under her and she managed to sit on the door with the car’s seat to her right and the steering wheel to her left.  It was a disorientating way to view the world but at least she was now upright.  Looking out where her windshield used to be, Amanda was thankful that one of the car’s headlights was still working and was pointing uphill showing her through a thicket of trees the road she had just been on.

Amanda felt tears prick her eyes but she wiped them away telling herself she could cry later when she was warm and dry in front of a roaring fire telling Mark and Steve what happened.  Crouching, Amanda managed to crawl out the gap in the windshield gasping when a piece of glass cut her palm.  Standing upright outside the car, Amanda swayed a bit and held her head with one hand as her headache throbbed in time with her pulse.  When the pain finally receded to a dull roar Amanda zipped up her jacket trying to block out as much of the cold as possible.  Thankfully, it had stopped snowing but now the snow was piled in deep drifts on the ground.  Unfortunately, with every step, she took up the hill towards the road she found herself sinking knee-deep into the freezing wet snow.  Soon her jean-clad legs were soaked up to her hips, but she forced herself to keep moving fixing her eyes on the goal ahead.

After what seemed like an eternity, Amanda pulled herself up onto the road.  She didn't give herself any time to rest.  She was so cold and now with her pants and her shoes soaked through she knew she needed to get to shelter as fast as she could.  Looking to her right towards where she should have been able to see the road she had turned off of she saw the gravel lane was now blocked by a landslide of rocks, snow, and trees.  Amanda realized that must have been what hit her car.  She was lucky to be alive; she could’ve been buried beneath all that debris.  Turning in the opposite direction, she started up the road.

Amanda could’ve wept when she rounded the corner and saw the cabin.  There was one car out front and one window shone warmly lighting her path up to the front door.  She half-jogged half staggered up the gravel drive and onto the porch stairs.  She was finding it harder to stay upright her muscles starting to give way now that safety and warmth were in reach.

Just as she reached the top step her legs gave out and she would’ve face planted except a pair of arms caught her and she heard, “Whoa, steady there.”

She was lifted into a pair of strong arms and bridal carried into the cabin.  “St…eve,” Amanda said her voice quivering with cold.

"Amanda, what happened?" Steve asked, his voice urgent as he quickly walked into the living room placing her in a chair close to the fireplace.

Almost unable to speak she was shivering so hard, Amanda still managed to give Steve a brief rundown of what happened.  Steve listened intently as he quickly built up the embers that had been low, into a roaring fire that gave off plenty of heat.  When she came to the part where she had been unconscious having hit her head Steve came over and knelt in front of her.  He then gently looked her over, his fingers light as they went over the goose egg on the side of her head.

Even as gentle as he was she still winced and Steve whispered, “Sorry.”  Their eyes met and held for the longest time Amanda found she couldn’t look away there was awareness and attraction in his gaze and she knew hers was the same.  Then a violent shiver from Amanda brought them both back to the here and now.

“You’re soaked through,” Steve declared as he rubbed her arms trying to generate warmth, “We need to get you out of those clothes.”

Despite how cold she was she couldn't help but see the humor in that statement and Amanda just raised one eyebrow.  Steve seemed to realize what he had said and turned a bright red color and then cleared his throat before saying, "You know what I mean.  I’ll go get you some of my things that you can change into.”

Amanda nodded and watched him hurry off and then for the first time took in her surroundings.  The only light in the living room was the fire and in fact, the rest of the cabin seemed to be dark as well.  When Steve returned he was carrying an electric lantern and a pile of clothes.

“Where’s Mark? And is the power out?” Amanda asked as she accepted the clothes from Steve.

Steve set down the lantern on the end table and said, "My dad was called into work on a last-minute emergency patient and is going to catch a ride with Norman and Jesse tomorrow.  The power went out just over an hour ago.  I assume the power poll was taken out by the same landslide that took out your car.”

Amanda nodded and then tried to stand only to sit right back down again her legs shaking so bad she was having a hard time staying vertical.

“Here let me,” Steve offered as he reached down and pulled her upwards, and then made sure she was steady by placing both hands on her arms.  Clearing his throat nervously, Steve asked, “Do you need help…with…the clothes?”

An automatic no was on her lips but she stopped and really thought about it.  She felt as weak as a kitten, but then again she didn’t want Steve to undress her.  Well…she did but not in this context so she said, “Maybe? Let me try on my own and if I get stuck you can help.”

Steve nodded, “Okay how about this?  I’ll turn around that way if you need help I won’t be too far away, but you’ll still have some privacy.”

Amanda felt relief flow over her at Steve’s suggestion, she honestly wasn’t sure if she could manage it.  Plus she wasn’t ready to be alone yet she still felt shock-y and disorientated and Steve was a steadying and safe presence she didn’t want to do without right now.  Steve turned around and took a few steps forward to give her space.  Amanda started to change as quickly as her shaking hands would let her.  She managed her jacket and her top exchanging her sweatshirt for one of Steve’s which was two sizes too big but it enfolded her like a warm hug.  She ran into trouble when she came to her jeans.  They were soaked.  She unbuttoned and pulled the zipper down with no problems but the wet denim was stuck to her like a second skin.  She struggled for a bit not wanting to concede.  Then with a resigned sigh and a quick prayer of thanks, that she was wearing underwear that although not sexy was at least not the granny panties that she wore on laundry day, she cleared her throat.

“Steve, I’m gonna need your help,” Amanda said her face heating up and her voice coming out higher than normal.

Steve turned around a nervous expression on his face before he smoothed it over, and walked towards her.  “What’s wrong?”

"It's the pants," Amanda sighed before she finished in a rush embarrassed, "they're stuck and I can't get them off."

Steve’s eyes widened a bit before he said, “Ah,” then he stared at her hips for the longest time before rubbing the back of his neck nervously.  Then he gave himself a shake and said, “Okay.”

Amanda avoided his gaze and looked somewhere over his left shoulder as he took that last step forward.  She jumped a bit at the first touch of his hands on her waist.  How had she never noticed how big his hands were?  She let out a ragged breath at the first touch of his fingers as they slid between the waistband of her jeans and her skin. Then he gently started tugging at the material pulling it down over her hips. To keep her balance Amanda was forced to place her hands on his broad shoulders as he once again knelt before her. He was so close she could feel his breath on her stomach.  He then pushed down her jeans enough for her to pull first one leg out and then the other.

Then he stood up with her jeans in one hand and Amanda finally met his gaze.  There was definitely desire there. He was looking at her like he wanted to strip her out of the rest of her clothes as well.  Amanda still had her hands on his shoulders and found herself leaning towards him wanting to take him up on the offer…

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A loud beeping sound tore through the tension and startled Amanda causing her to jump away from Steve.

Steve cleared his throat and said in a gruff voice, “It’s just my beeper,” then he went over to a side table and picked up the offending device. “Service up here is spotty at best; I’m surprised anyone could get through.”

Amanda grabbed the sweatpants off the couch and as quickly as she could put them on.  When she turned back around fully dressed, Steve held up the pager and said, "It's my dad, with the phone out I can't call him back."

“If Mark doesn’t hear back from you he’ll start to worry.  Maybe he’ll figure out some things wrong and come to our rescue,” Amanda offered, knowing that with the road blocked they weren’t driving out so someone would have to come to them.  They could walk if desperate but Amanda didn’t want to have to walk through those deep snow drifts again anytime soon.

“Probably or when my dad, Jesse, and Norman come up here tomorrow they’ll see the road is out," Steve agreed before he took a tentative step towards her and said in a low voice, "Amanda…"

Amanda was on edge wondering what he was going to say if he was going to mention what had almost happened between them when her stomach gave a large growl of hunger.  She clasped both arms around her midsection in embarrassment.

Steve gave a low chuckle and with a wide smile on his face asked, “Are you hungry?”

Mortified, Amanda could only nod her head.

Steve moved one of the armchairs close to the fire and said, "Have a seat.  I'll rustle up some dinner."

Amanda sank back into the overstuffed chair and waited for Steve to return.  She had planned on dissecting what had occurred between them but the warmth of the fire and the softness of Steve's sweats had her asleep in minutes.

~Diagnosis Murder~

She felt a hand clasp her arm and a quiet voice said, “Amanda.”

Opening her eyes slowly, Amanda found herself looking directly into the blue eyes of the man she was falling for.  Steve had the softest expression on his face.  If Amanda was braver she would call it loving.  Steve reached out and tucked one unruly strand of hair behind her ear and the casual intimacy of that act made Amanda’s heart skip a beat.

Just as she was about to say something, even though she didn't know what, Steve stood up and offered her his hand and said, "Dinner's ready.”  Amanda reached up and placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her to her feet but he didn’t let go until he was sure she was steady.

Then she saw the veritable feast laid out on the coffee table and couldn't help but gasp, "Steve!"

There was roast chicken with baby potatoes, salad, and hot French bread.

“How did you manage all this?” Amanda asked her voice filled with wonder.

Steve shrugged and said humbly, “The cabin has a wood stove.”

Amanda sat down on one side of the table and Steve on the other and they dug in.  The conversation flowed from one subject to another as they ate.  Amanda praised the food more than once and each time she could’ve sworn she saw Steve blush the tiniest bit.  Steve was a great cook but Amanda knew he enjoyed it mostly as a way to show his loved ones he cared for them.

Once they were finished Amanda tried to help clean up but she was immediately shot down, she was once again sat down in the armchair next to the fire.  When Steve returned he took the chair closest to her and asked, "How's your head?"

Amanda reached up and touched the bump along the side; it was still tender, and said “Actually, my head feels a lot better.”

“No concerns about a concussion?” Steve questioned worry in his voice.

Amanda thought about it but then gingerly shook her head, “No I don’t think so.  Other than the headache when it first happened I don't have any other symptoms."

"I wish my dad or Jesse was here so they could look you over and make sure," Steve stated anxiously over the uncertainty causing the lines by his eyes to deepen.

Nodding her head in understanding, Amanda said, “If it makes you feel better you can wake me up every few hours tonight to make sure I’m okay.”

“I might just do that,” Steve said with a slight grin and then he rubbed the back of his neck before saying, “About the sleeping arrangements…”

Amanda’s eyebrows rose up in a silent question waiting for Steve to continue.

“Since we have no power and this is the only fireplace in the cabin, the rest of the rooms are going to get cold really fast.  It would probably be better for us both to sleep in here.  That way I can keep the fire going and we can both be warm," Steve said his voice tentative like he wasn't sure of her reaction.

It did make sense even if it might be a bit awkward, so Amanda said, “Sounds good.  How about we push the furniture away from the fireplace and then place a bunch of blankets on the floor?”

Steve gave her a grateful smile that she didn’t object, “Okay, I’ll move the furniture.”

Amanda returned his smile and said, “And I’ll get the blankets.”

Amanda grabbed the lantern on her way out when she glanced back she saw Steve watching her with a tender expression on his face.  As she went towards the hall closet where the blankets were she was sure her expression matched his.

~Diagnosis Murder~

By the time Amanda had made a big enough "bed" using all the blankets, she could find for the two of them in front of the fireplace she was barely able to keep her eyes open.  The energy she had derived from the food had quickly left her and the day’s events came crashing down on her.  Steve came back into the room carrying two pillows that he had insisted on getting when he noticed how tired she was.  He handed her one and Amanda accepted it gratefully.  She laid down tucking the pillow behind her head.  Looking up at Steve from this vantage point lead to some less-than-innocent thoughts but she quickly scolded herself and got her wayward thinking under control.  She noticed that Steve had taken the time to change before he had returned and he now wore comfy-looking sleep pants and a white t-shirt that stretched nicely across his chest.

Amanda also couldn't help but notice that he was hesitating at the edge of the blankets as if unsure of his welcome.  Patting the space next to her in a silent invitation with a reassuring smile on her face seemed to do the trick and soon he was lying on his back next to her.  As the silence between them stretched and grew thin Amanda said her voice weary, “I’m exhausted but now that I can sleep, my eyes don’t want to close.”

"Did I ever tell you about the time my dad decided to take the whole family on a spur-of-the-moment vacation and we ended up having to spend the night in a broken-down car in the middle of nowhere?" Steve asked.

At the shake of her head, Steve began to tell her a very amusing tale of a family vacation where anything and everything went wrong. Steve was a great storyteller plus the rich timbre of his voice was soothing when Amanda felt her eyes slip closed she didn't fight it instead she let Steve's voice wash over her and usher her into sleep.

~Diagnosis Murder~

The first thing Amanda noticed as she woke up was that she felt delightfully warm and content.  Opening her eyes she saw the fire was now only large embers but there was enough warmth coming from it to keep her toasty.

Or maybe it was the arms that held her against a very solid chest that was keeping her so warm?

Amanda felt a smile bloom across her face as she slowly realized it was Steve’s embrace she was currently laying in.  Steve had kept his promise and had woken her several times throughout the night just to check on her and make sure she was okay.   She could feel the slow rise and fall of his chest against her back and she wondered what time it was.  She also wondered if she would have lots of time to indulge in this feeling of peace and care or if Steve would awaken any minute.  Once he was awake they would have to figure out what was going on between them and she wasn’t sure where that conversation would end.

With the almost kiss from last night, Amanda was starting to hope that maybe they were on the same page.  The look in his eyes and the lingering touch of his hands had her hopes up she just prayed she wouldn’t be disappointed.  She needed to let her worries go and just try to enjoy this moment in case she was wrong.

A while later Amanda felt Steve’s arms tighten briefly around her before they let go.  Amanda took a deep breath and rolled over to face Steve.

Steve rubbed his eyes and then propped himself up on one elbow and looking down at her said in a gruff voice, “Good morning.”

Amanda feeling shy all of the sudden could only whisper back, "Good morning."

Steve slowly leaned down and brushed his lips against hers and then straightened up again a questioning look on his face. Amanda realized he wanted to see if she was okay with him kissing her so Amanda showed her interest by sliding her hand around the curve of his neck and pulling him back down and kissing his mouth.

She could feel his smile against her mouth and wanting to capture that grin Amanda deepened the kiss.  She felt the hunger grow between them as they gave in to what they both wanted.  When they finally broke apart a few minutes later, they were both breathing heavier.

Steve brushed one thumb across Amanda’s lower lip and he confessed, “I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time.”

Smiling widely, Amanda nipped at Steve’s thumb and listened with satisfaction to his sharp intake of breath before he replaced his hand with his mouth kissing her thoroughly.  When Steve started kissing her jaw and nipping at her ear her breathing also became erratic and she could barely say, “I’ve wanted you to do that for the longest time as well.”

Steve gave her lips one last caress and then he sat up and pulled Amanda into his lap before saying, “I was hopeful that maybe you did but I was so unsure.  I didn’t want to lose our friendship in case I was wrong.”

Snuggling closer with her head on his shoulder, Amanda couldn’t help but huff out a laugh against his neck before she sat up and said, “I felt the same way,” She then placed one hand on the side of his face caressing his cheekbone with her thumb. “I care so much for you Steve and I don’t want to lose you in case this doesn’t work out,” Amanda said doubt filling her voice. Steve’s arms tightened around her and Amanda felt a surge of want slide through her at the feeling.

Steve pulled back slightly to meet her gaze better but kept her in his arms and said, "Amanda I know we can make this work, I believe in you and me…in us together."

Amanda felt her chest clench at the loving way he was looking at her his eyes were begging her to believe in what they could be together.  It was a scary prospect to think about all the ways this could go wrong but seeing the sincerity in his eyes and knowing in her own heart how deep she already was Amanda nodded her head in agreement and said, “Okay let’s try.”

Steve let out a whoop in triumph and pulled her back in tight kissing her thoroughly and at length.

~Diagnosis Murder~

A couple hours later found them in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when Amanda asked a question that she had been worrying over as they had eaten, “Steve, what do you think Mark’s reaction will be?”

Steve looked a bit sheepish as he put the last of the dishes in the cupboard and then leaned against the counter, “You remember on Wednesday when you surprised us by the nurse’s station?”

At Amanda’s nod Steve continued, “Well, that was dad trying to convince me to let him play matchmaker for the two of us.”

“Mark already knows?” Amanda asked and then her eyes widened as she remembered who else had been standing there and she squeaked, “Jesse already knows?”

Steve winced a bit and walked toward her placing one hand on each side of the countertop she was leaning against effectively trapping her and said, “Sweetheart, I needed someone to talk to about my seemingly unrequited feelings,” Steve said punctuating his words with little kisses along her neck.

Amanda tilted her neck to allow him better access and said distractedly, “I guess I can understand your father but Jesse? He can’t keep a secret to save his life.”

Steve chuckled and then straightened up placing both hands on her hips and hoisting her up so she was sitting on the counter. Amanda accommodated him by wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him against her. She bit her lip slightly when his eyes darkened and his hands tightened on her hips.

Clearing his throat as he stared at her lips, Steve managed to drag his eyes back up to Amanda's and said, "Jesse can keep a secret…" At Amanda's snort, Steve conceded with a tilt of his head, "Okay sort of but he had overheard my dad and me talking so…"

“Ah…” Amanda acknowledged his dilemma, and then just to reassure herself asked, “So Mark is okay with us dating?”

“Are you kidding? He’s over the moon,” Steve said.

“Really?” Amanda said, with a wide smile.  She loved Mark like he was her own father and she respected him as a doctor.

“Yes really,” Steve reassured, “Amanda, my dad thinks of you like a second daughter.”

Amanda teared up a bit at the confirmation of what she had hoped.

“Aww sweetheart,” Steve said, before placing a soft kiss on her lips which lead to them thoroughly exploring each other's mouths.

Steve had just picked her up off the counter and Amanda was hoping he would carry her back to their blanket nest when she heard the front door open.

"Steve! Amanda!" yelled Mark from the entryway.

Amanda quickly scrambled out of Mark's arms and tried to straighten her rumbled clothing.  Steve had a growing smile on his face when he shouted back, "We're in here, Dad!”

Mark bustled into the kitchen wrapped in head-to-toe winter gear.  Unwinding a scarf that covered most of his face he asked, "Are you two alright?"

Amanda in shock that Mark was standing in front of them managed to be even more surprised when Jesse stumbled in after him chunks of snow melt sloughing off of him.

Steve stepped forward and helped his dad with his coat and said, “We’re okay for the most part.”

Amanda who was trying to help Jesse bush the snow off his clothes asked, “How did you guys get here so fast?”

Mark finally free of his jacket said, "When Steve didn't answer my page I got worried and tried to come up here last night with Jesse but the road was blocked…"

Jesse broke in and finished the story, “So we turned around and went back to town and told the authorities what had happened but Mark didn’t want to wait so we bought every piece of warm clothing we could get our hands on and woke up bright and early this morning and started hiking. The calvary is clearing the way now and we should all be out of here by tonight.”

“I just about had a heart attack when I saw a car off the side of the road,” Mark said, looking over at Amanda he asked, “Was that your car Amanda?”

“Yes,” Amanda said and at Mark’s concerned expression she quickly reassured, “But I’m fine.”

Now it was Steve’s turn to jump in and he said, “She has a bump on her head from where it hit the door frame.”

“Steve, Mark, really I’m fine,” Amanda said, not wanting Steve or Mark to worry about a small goose egg.

Mark immediately walked over to Amanda and said, “I brought my bag I’ll give you a check-up just to make sure.”  Then he ushered her into the living room picking his bag up along the way.

The four of them stopped just inside the doorway at the sight that greeted them.  Amanda felt her cheeks heat as she saw the blanket nest spread across the floor along with her clothes from yesterday strewn across one of the chairs and could only hope it didn't look as bad as she thought it did.

“So, sleep well last night?” Jesse asked, waggling his eyebrows, his voice laced with innuendo.

Amanda rolled her eyes and left Steve to deal with Jesse’s antics and followed Mark to the couch. Steve and Jesse started to put the living room back in order speaking quietly to each other.

After a quick exam where he declared she was correct that she didn’t have a concussion, Mark cleared his throat and said a bit nervously, “So…”

When he trailed off and didn’t say anything else Amanda took in a deep breath and said, “Me and Steve…”  Then she trailed off as she felt two arms slip around her and turning slightly she wrapped her arm around Steve’s waist.

Mark’s eyes bounced back and forth between the two of them and then his smile grew and all he said was, “You and Steve.”

Just from his expression, she knew he approved and the last worry she had faded away.  Mark gave them both a hug and then went to help Jesse who was trying to fold a rather large quilt by himself.

Amanda looked up at Steve and said, “So where should we go for our first date?”

Steve smiled down at her and said, “I know a great BBQ place. The owners are friends of mine and can get us in right away.”

Amanda gave a small chuckle and said, “Sounds perfect.”  Then Steve slowly tightened his arms around her and captured her lips with his own.  Amanda relaxed into the embrace and knew that this was just the beginning for them and she couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

The End

diagnosis murder, 100 fandoms, fic challenge, h/c bingo, fic, small fandom fest

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