[Fifth Flame] : [Not so accidental video] [Backdate: during the Christmas Party]

Dec 24, 2010 23:01

[The video feed comes on, focused specifically on a certain pair of Amestrian soldiers, though both are obviously in casual clothes. They're on a couch near the big lobby tree, but neither of them are talking for some reason.

And since no holiday is complete without being bothered by walking, talking, sentient mistletoe!

One of them wanders up and tugs on Roy's pant leg, getting his attention.]


... what do you want?

That Haku chick gave me 20 BITS to bother some one other than her.

... Haku did that?

Hey, the chick is getting married. My work there was done before it started. So... lets make this easy on all of us, mister. Alright?

Dare I ask how you even plan on doing that?

Hey, I'M not doing anything. YOU [points at Roy] are going to kiss HER [points at Riza] and then I'll be on my merry little Christmas totin' way.

... excuse me?

You heard me. Make with the kissing.

[Roy looks at Riza, a little flustered now that he's been put on the spot.]

Well? I'm waiting...

[[ooc: The entire scene and everything following is being recorded and broadcast by Hayate, who stole Roy's D-comm out of his pocket when he wasn't looking.]]

hayate is kind of an ass, riza, stolen dcomm, event: mistletoe, action post

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