Aug 18, 2006 09:19
Hi all,
Just a quick entry cuz I'm extremely bored while at work.
Well, because the housing office on campus is stupid, I have a roommate. It is extremely TEMPORARY, but still. I can't stand the girl. She's really uptight, messy, and thinks that she can't do anything wrong. Oh well, I have permission to be mean and trust me, I will. My permission comes from my boss-the room I live in is an admissions hosting room; and it is supposed to be just me. That way, when we have prospective students stay overnight, they have a place to stay. I'm just happy, I get to be mean.
On another note...
I'm excited for classes to begin. I'm taking Latin I, American History to 1865, EDS 300-which is some seminar about teaching and stuff, and Methods of teaching social studies. I'm excited. I also get to be a student supervisor at admissions. I think this year will be good.
On a completely unrealated note: Jonathan and I are thinking about pushing the wedding up to like January or Febuary. We're not sure yet, but it's a possibility. Anyway, the phone is ringing and I have to get it so, I'll update more later.
Love Ya'll....
"Courage is not the abscence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."