Out of Character Information - History

Jul 26, 2008 19:52

Rei was the third Senshi discovered by Luna, quickly becoming friends with the girls. She was reluctant at first, only because she had depended on herself for so long in her life - why did she need these girls to be her friends? She first thought she didn't. She had agreed to be their teammates, but not to friends. Slowly, she started to get used to them... and they all slowly became friends.

Rei had become very close to Usagi. She considered the blond her best friend, and vice versa... which is why she didn't see the changes in Usagi. After the battle with the Dark Kingdom and Queen Beryl, Usagi had seemed a little different, but Rei put it past as her friend was growing up a little. That was good in her eyes. Usagi always did seem to act like a child. When they confronted the Black Moon Family, Usagi changed more. She started to slowly become indiscriminate. She wanted to save Chibi-Usa and Crystal Tokyo, but she didn't want to heal Prince demando and his family. It struck rei as odd, but if someone had threatened her family, she would have done the same thing.

With Professor Tomoe and the Death Busters, it was different as well. She still, to this day, doesn't know what Usagi did that day, but when she came back holding baby Hotaru, she demanded Uranus' and Neptune's alleigance. They accepted, of course. She then demanded alleigance from her friends - Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. One by one, they took a knee. Rei hesitated before doing so. This didn't feel right.

The Dead Moon Circus was given the same treatment. The Amazon Trio and Amazoness Quartet met swift defeat, as well as Zirconia. Queen Nehelenia fought to the end, and was ultimately defeated by the Ginzuishou.

When Galaxia tried to take over the earth, Sailor Moon took a stand. Rei thought that her friend, the one she had met all those years ago, had finally returned. Sailor Moon wasn't that war-hardened person. She was that loveable Usagi that rei loved. One by one, the Senshi, minus Sailor Moon, fell, their starseeds taken by Galaxia. It came down to a battle to the death between Sailor Galaxia, who was controlled by Chaos, and Eternal Sailor Moon. Chaos was banished from Galaxia's body. Galaxia, now good, looked to Sailor Moon. She thanked the blond for all that she had done, and apologized. Sailor Moon wouldn't have any of it... and outright killed a healed Galaxia. When Sailor Mars and the others were reborn, Sailor Moon told them what happened. Mars couldn't believe it. Her friend had committed murder. There was no reason to kill Galaxia, especially after she repented. Usagi changed to much in Rei's eyes that day.

When Usagi and Mamoru ascended the throne of Crystal Tokyo, Sailor Mars stood beside them. She had sworn alleigance... and would keep it until Serenity grew hungry with power. She was queen... but she wanted to be queen of the entire earth. She demanded the nations of the world to bow before her... and when some of them didn't, the Ginzuishou took care of them. Rei wouldn't have it. She would not let her friend do this. Innocent people were dying. Serenity saw this as mutiny. Mercury, Venus, and Pluto stood beside Mars as they were banished from Crystal Tokyo.

When the Black Moon Family came, Mars and the others wasted no time joining up with them. They knew what Serenity was like, and they knew the abilities of the Clan. They knew that they could work together. They successfully lured Chibiusa to their side, turning her into Wicked Lady. Slowly, they've been building a rebellion right under Serenity's nose, waiting to strike.
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