Jun 07, 2004 01:14
helo my name is sydney. i am 3 years old. i have a foot. i have a tongue. put together... we have 1 foot long tongue. any way to day was a veryuneventful day. i slept until 11 am. went to church. went to bed at 4pm and woke at 950 pm. it is now 126 am and i am on lj. how gay. any way... me n fader n niner n mader.. are discusing plans for the hawaii/business/packing/horror trip. any way i am a robot named smarterchilds. good night my frens. ( hand shake ) good one. have a abanananaananananananana i hate cock roaches. they have very smelly odors. we have a house on a dtreet called punta and srufrider and waialae. any way i am very bored and niner is watching a tv show i dont know what it is. good bye good night saludos