Feb 10, 2009 19:51
...or more accurately as I don't currently have one at work: I want my tape.
To explain, must travel back to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (namely Friday in Seattle). I arrived to work on Friday morning at 10:30a and was greeted with half the lights out and no heat. Needless to say very glad I packed my sweatshirt coat. :( Apparently the power had gone out earlier and we were now on back-up generators. Fun. As reservations seems to be the most vital department our work was unaffected besides the halloween-esk atmosphere. Everyone else was urged to use laptops. Soon 5 Seattle City Light trucks showed up and managed to make things worse by cutting the lights completely just as I went to break at 12:15p. Again reservations was unaffected due to the day-glo nature of our computer screens which will probably turn our eyes radioactively fluorescent if it hasn't done so already. All the other floors decided to take this opportunity to exit the building and, thus, the work day. This was kind of a cool experience as I got to order my lunch by flashlight. And like magic, when I clocked back in, the lights come on. As this has happened before, with other electronic things, I was starting to think I have some magical connection with the Holland America Line electronic systems (which admittedly is a really crappy super power). However this delusion was promptly squashed as all the computers then went. Lucky for you my rant about having to still take calls w/o being able to do anything to help the caller later will have to wait as that was the least of my concerns. You see while all the other computers started to reboot immediately, mine decided it had enough and deserved time to realize its lifelong dream of being apart of something bigger than itself, like say a recycle heap (a.k.a. it died).
So for the rest of the day I got to sit at another desk and stare at pictures of someone else and their family and/or other people of unknown acquaintance. Now my problems with sitting at another desk are that not only do I become slightly o.c.d. with not having my brochures or paperwork or info links or knowledge of where any of that stuff is so I sound slightly mentally challenged when someone asks me a question whose answer is contained in the aforementioned materials, but also I have no idea who the people in the frickin pictures are...and I got to stare at them all day. It's was very weird.
Now, I understood the need to sit at another desk for the rest of Friday (and subsequently Sunday) as my supervisor was having qualms about calling the service desk that day due to the expected influx of calls about equipment not working. I was, however, a little miffed when she said she would call them on Monday at 8:00a and have if fixed by the time I started and I get in and not only was my retired compy still there, but no call had been placed. So I call, get a work order placed, and start my day of staring at other people's pictures again (apparently this one was recently broken up as there was a post-it note covering the face of a guy in a joint picture). By lunch my pc was gone, but my trusty dinosaur 15" deep monitor and it's trusty keyboardasaurus were still there. Unfortunately the situation has not changed since then. My supervisor gave me the corporate "I'll check on it" today...so subsequently after lunch I called the service department and facilitated the research as to whether I will ever get another computer or not.
To date this has been an exercise is lowering expectations. On Monday I was hoping for a new flat screen monitor to go along with my computer as my company usually just replaces everything. Now, I don't care if they give me the very first computer known to man, beast, or vegetable with the 6" diameter screen, I just want to sit at my desk and stare at pictures of people I know.