I had a great three days in Whistler snowboarding with some old friends. I learned that I'm a sucky snowboarder. I have a bruise on my butt that looks like Italy. And I sprained my wrist. Of course, a weekend is never complete without at least one embarrassing moment:
Laura swooshes down the mountain. Kid falls in front of Laura. Laura skids to a complete stop--on flat land. Laura cannot move unless she unstraps a leg and scoots along. Mountain security are standing around watching her because they are soon closing the mountain. They are probably laughing at her. One guy walks over and asks if she wants a push. She grudgingly agrees. He tells Laura to sit down and strap in and then extends a hand to help her up. Laura makes it up...and falls straight back down...on her face. Laura is relieved that she has goggles on. Laura comes to terms with the fact that she is a poser.
In order to balance out the snow with a bit of warmth I thought I'd share some pictures of my sister and I with my obachan and my mom in Okinawa. We decided to get a little bit cheesy and take some traditional pictures in Okinawan get-up. Uchina power! The best part was hair and make up. Believe it or not that is our real hair. Underneath our hair they put a few "extenders" to make our hair puff out a bit more, but most of it's ours. Sorry but the pictures aren't the best quality. Disposable camera.
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