Dang, I am bored. I'm supposed to be working on re-writing a document for work right now but I really don't feel like it. And since I only have one more week left at this job I don't really care. Actually, I made a small compromise. I work for 10 minutes on the document and then 10 minutes on my crossword puzzle. I think that's fair.
Movie Recommendation of the Day:
Saving Face So refreshing to see a movie about Asian Americans that isn't stereotypical. Speaking of which I'm going to boycott Memoirs of a Geisha. I hated the book and I have a feeling the film is going to make me cringe, too. I think the only Japanese person in that entire movie is Watanabe Ken. Hollywood bites.
Book Recommendation of the Day:
Japanland: A Year in Search of Wa by Karen Muller. Probably the best book about Japan written from the perspective of someone who isn't Japanese. None of the East vs.West crap that is so prevalent in books about Japan.
Advice of the Day: Never treat receptionists badly. They can make your lives complicated and suddenly lose things....