Aug 17, 2006 00:17
Dear Me,
This is you writing. I’m now seventeen years old, and in a month, a senior in high school. I have learned so much and I keep thinking it’s because I’m so old. But that’s not true at all. I’m really young. I’ve lived seventeen years of life, as opposed to the seventy or eighty I hope to live to. Seventeen is so little compared to eighty. It almost scares me in a way. Because I’m hoping I’ve experienced all the pain I will have to. But I’ll experience more. This is to help me avoid mistakes and to help maybe someone younger than me avoid painful situations.
This first thing I want to say is to love. And to trust. Just do it carefully. Yes, there is a fifty percent chance that trust and love can backfire on you. But there’s also a fifty percent chance it won’t. And most people in this world will not betray you. Even if they do, if you get a chance to be happy with them at least for a little bit and to love them for even a second, it’s worth. Because loving someone and feeling close to them is possibly one of the best feelings in the world. Don’t let the fear of getting hurt stop you from experiencing this. It’s true, it’s better to have loved than to have not to.
The second thing is to not grow up too fast. If you do, when you get to the time when you’re supposed to older, you’ll be tired and exhausted of trying to that before. It’s because you weren’t ready for it. Stay young as long as possible. Keep your innocence as long as possible. Don’t give it up just to “fit in”. Innocence is the best thing about being a child. If you ask any adult, I’m sure they’ll say they’d go back to their childhood just to experience the carefree times and unconditional love for everyone. It’s a time to be happy and enjoy your life to the most before it becomes complicated. Live your childhood as long as you can. Because before you know it, you’ve grown up and experienced things you wish you could go back on.
The third thing is to be yourself. It’s hard, one of the hardest parts of life. Finding out who you are and keeping it. It’s true, your family and your friends WILL influence the type of person you turn out to be. But you are the main person who chooses your lifestyle and personality. Make it count. Don’t change to fit into a mold or someone else’s view of you. There ARE people out there who won’t like you. It’s inevitable and it happens to everyone. But there are ten times as many people for that one person who will love you for you and let you into their lives. Live your life the way you want, otherwise you will regret it.
Speaking of regrets, that’s the fourth thing. Live your life without regrets. That is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to. But if you’re able to, you’ll be more capable of loving your life. Every cloud has its silver lining. Gay, but true. It’s hard to find and sometimes it takes awhile to the point where you want to give up, but don’t. Because when a bad thing happens, an even greater effect comes out of it. It’s true for every situation; it’s just hard to see sometimes.
One of the things you have to accept in life is that bad things DO happen. And you can’t change them. Some things you just need to learn to accept and be okay with. And you do need to be okay with them. Because if you aren’t, then you will be miserable. So you need to find closure and assurance if you feel like you’ve left a situation open. Some things don’t have explanations. Don’t search for one. Once in a while, there won’t be one. Eventually, things will be okay and they will work out. You just need to hold on and keep believing. And once in a while, you’ll need to ask someone for help. And that’s okay. That’s what best friends and most of all, your family is for. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
I think the most important lesson of all is to live life as YOU want to. Don’t try and make life happen though. Let it happen to you. That doesn’t mean let other people dictate your decisions, but, as Green Day puts it so well:
“You can’t go forcing something if it’s just not right”.
They were right. Don’t force things. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. Don’t get caught up in the little things that you can’t change. Focus on the good in your life and the people that love you (and there are ALWAYS people that love you, even if you don’t think so). Live your life. Plain and simple.
Love always,
I wrote this because I'm a loser. With no life. And some weird urge to help people. Hence why I want to be a counsler/therapist for children and adolescents. Maybe help them where I wasn't able to help myself.
...yepp. I'm a loser.