Upset stomach has made me... upset. And shaky. Booh. ANYways,
courtknee has taggeded me:
* 1. Post these rules.
* 2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
* 3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people
* 4. No tag-backs.
1. I've had a crush on someone at work since the day I met him... and he has no CLUE.
2. I hate having to wear shoes.
3. I sing to myself when I'm sad.
4. I bake a mean cake.
5. I have an inate dislike for Billy Joel. Not sure why...
6. I'm afraid of the dark.
7. Heartfelt father/daughter scenes always make me cry. Even if they're animated.
8. I don't have eight friends on LiveJournal, so:
I tag
rongsideosanity &
And to kill two stones with one bird, here's a picture of my desktop, too: