Jul 21, 2004 20:22
UGH!!!! Sometimes I absolutly hate my mom. I won either a car/trip/money from one of those things in the mall that you fill out and my name was drawn!!! Cool shit huh, well since I'm not of the age of 25 my parents have to claim my prize for me. My mom is refusing REFUSING to go claim my prize. WHAT THE FUCK?! It's so uncool and she's doing it for spite. Then tonight the phone rang and then the low bat sound went off and she started going off on me saying that it was my fault that I never change the battery and I always use up the phone. ok, number 1 I'm never fuckin home to use the phone, number 2 she was just on it for an hour and a half talking to her mom or some relative long distance, number 3 whenever I DO see the phone laying around I put it on the charger and whenever I'm on it, just to make sure, I change the battery so its fresh for whoever uses it next. So how the fuck can that possibly be my fault? Then to top off the night my mom tells me "I'm so much better off when you're not around" That really makes me feel good about coming home. FUCK this shit man, when I go back to Va I'm not coming back, fuck her, she can have her fuckin life to herself and die with no one!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, now that I'm done ranting I have some good news, well to me at least because I did something to better my physical appearance. Though its pretty minute and not many people even realized it was there, well at least not that I know of. I got my mole taken off the back of my neck. Some girls in college made fun of it and called it my Cocoa Puff. Now that was waaaaay over exagerating because it wasn't nearly that big, but it still made me self conscious, so I got it removed. It's now completely gone never to haunt me again, YAY!
I'm still pissed off...my mom sux