Dec 05, 2003 19:06
Today I woke up with the headache still. And as the day's been going my pains have gotten worse. I have the hugest pain from my upper back to my head. I have a knott still, and I can't move my head from side to side or up and down without escruciating pain. At weights I didn't do anything because everything we did hurt me too much. I dont wanna see a doctor though because I'm scared it's somethng bad, and I'd rather not know about it. If it gets worse by tomorrow though I'll be forced to see smoeone about it. ::sigh:: And I thought the snow was fun...all I've wanted to do all day is cry. I cna't even lay down cuz it hurts my back and head too much to lean back. Sleeping will be interesting tonight, maybe I'll just stay awake until tomorrow..I don't see hwo I could sleep with this intense pain anyways.