My first day at work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. XDDD Anyway it was rather fun, I learnt how to make the ice cream twirl from the ice cream machine. Yup, I got the 3 oz size one, the only thing left was to twirl it until the end will stand. Somehow this requires some practise and skill, hehehe...
I dunno what I am going to do about the flyers, distribute them on the weekends or during the weekdays evenings? But really walking the whole Toa Payoh is really not funny -___-
Your IQ Is 100
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test Crap... I have exceptional verbal intelligence. XDDDDDD
I may try customising S2 style layout the next time... too tired and bored of S1. Even though S1 is easy, but S2 you can now customize a decent layout without having to touch any html coding except some weird new language which is neither html but programming coding x_X, and for colour codes you can get any colour you want by the colour table. For one style in S2, flexible table (the new added style), you can actually externally linked an casading style sheet. o.O