Teh horrors! I have
Scheme term test tomorrow! RAWR111111!!1!!! [EDIT]: Re: Physics Lab, I printed the wrong lab sheet! NVM! Lucky I realised it at the last minute! WEE!
tagging Wikipedia, becoz it currently rulez as an instant encyclopedia To think I still have Sets relations tutorial, MA1505 tut and more Scheme tutorial, Oh noes! :OOOO
Yesterday's Ma1505 test was horrid of the horrid. 1/2 of the 12 qns all tikam tikam (guess guess) coz I have no time to finish! After the test I remembered how to do. DDDDDDDDDDDD: WTH??? It's MCQs only, but why so jia lat? D:
Freak, today's Ma1101r lecture, since the last lecture, it was still at chapter 8. D: I thought the lecturer could finish that whole chapter but he did not! D: and I slept through it becoz he only went through 3-4 pages in one and a half hour. o__________________O;;
seekoutastar ordered her doll from Dollmore. So you got pyschoed and went on to get one this year. D:
I feel like squeezing that one person who said "control" your spending to me. As if I'm a big spender. EFF. I needed cash for really essential stuff, stationary, notes, to eat, plus getting CD-Rs, printer ink etc. If I don't get those, how I study? Stupid idiot. How come you can't get it? *stabs and sporks* The next person who this to me in my face, you will die infinite times, yong bu chao sheng.
jounetsu_ryu, Raji 130 has the preview of Shishido's ALive single. DAMN, whyisthebeginningtuneissosimilartothatBGM? __O__; I'm horrified.
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