yo! this is my first entry on my lj! just created it today so yeah.
thefunnybone says she'll help me customise my stuffs when she gets to hk :) I'm living in the 20th century man. haha x)
anw i just collected my REAL FACE single so i'm super happy now!
fowardflux bought it from some person and we went to amk to collect it together. she bought YOROKOBI NO UTA and KEEP THE FAITH. I really want KEEP THE FAITH too! when i first saw it online i thought it didnt look really nice so decided to order REAL FACE instead since jin looks so good there x) but then after seeing deborah's sinlg I WANT IT RIGHT NOW! shall pop by HMV this weekend to grab it! i want it now!
thefunnybone is leaving for hk soon. about to board the plane maybe? haha. anw may she have loads of fun in HK. (manda you know what i mean ehh hee) have a safe trip! I'll miss you loads! <3