I'm profoundly grateful this morning for the bright flash of the cardinal who is bobbing among the trees across the road from the gatehouse, for the mad twittering of the flock of sparrows who are sheltering in a nearby bush, for a husband who rolls out of bed to make the coffee every morning, for
Dave Carter's and Tracy Grammer's glorious voices lifted in carols, and for every single person who offers me a smile and a friendly wave as they pass through the gates. I am grateful and more than a little amused that sharing Taco Bell and "King of the Hill" reruns snuggled in bed at 1am counts as quality time to both me and my equally silly husband.
These are the things that are keeping me sane through two shifts of phone calls from irate residents who are certain that they are God's special snowflake, and it is therefore imperative that their walk/driveway/parking spot be cleared before all others, because, you know, they do pay rent. Righhhhhhhht. So you're the one who pays rent. The occupants of the other nearly 650 apartments are just squatters. What an honor to finally get to talk to you, Snowflake. I'll get the snow removal crew right on that.
Oh! And I'm soooooooooooo grateful for Holiday Market in Royal Oak. The snowstorm held up my cheese shipment until Monday. I need it for half a dozen of those Michigift bags on Sunday. Holiday Market just happens to carry it, even if their price is a healthy $3 per pound more than ordering it from the farm via Local Harvest (even with shipping charges figured in). Hmmm. I suppose that also means I'm grateful for the treat of having some of that incredible cheese for ourselves, now doesn't it?
Life would be wonderful if only the phone would stop ringing.