I'm not making a big deal out of this

Jul 29, 2012 14:58

...except for the part where I am -

Hi guys,
I hope you're all well.

I just wanted to say that I probably won't be around LJ any more. I don't know why I feel the need to make an official announcement out of this, after all it is fairly obvious that I haven't been around regularly any more anyway, but for 6 years everything revolved around this thing, so hey.

There are 3 main reasons for this. Firstly, my overall need to talk about myself in this capacity has just... vanished. I talk on facebook and I talk on twitter, but I never feel the need to talk in that diary-like way any more, "dear LJ, today I went to..."
Maybe my life is just not that exciting. I don't mean this in a bad way, maybe it never was, but right now on the internet I'm okay with a little flailing here and there and that's it.
I think that other than fandom-related stuff, I have stopped relying on other people's advice and opinions. Not that you haven't helped, and e-hugs are the greatest thing, but these days I don't assign a lot of importance to my everyday life to the point that I wanna write about it.
I mean this in an entirely positive way, I can not remember a time in my life during which I have felt as satisfied and as focused as now.
Those of you who have been with me for almost the entirety of those 6 years, I am actually not losing by doing this at all - we still talk on twitter and from that I have the feeling that I have a fair idea about what's going on with you, and for that I am very grateful by the way. You rock <3

Secondly, the fandoms that I used to associate with are not my fandoms any more. I am just not interested in Japanese fandoms any more. Doesn't mean I don't like Japan and everything that has to do with it, it is just not a fandom to me anymore.
When it comes to non-Johnnys stuff, even though you might not be able to directly compare these two services, I have the feeling of being part of much the same community or maybe an even bigger one, just by being on tumblr and AO3 these days.

Thirdly, since the LJ main page broke for me, navigating the whole site just is one huge pain.
I got a lot of very dumb suggestions on LJ support for my query, you know the kind... The one that says "oh you're a woman so of course you would suddenly be challenged by using the site you've used for the past 6 years" ...yeah.

Now and then I post on honeydextrous over at wordpress. I do this only occasionally because the posts over there are not spontaneous and take time, I want to start posting proper movie reviews on there as well, it is about about writing consciously over there instead of just going akslssjshdkgasdkhkal.

So here they are again, the various ways in which I can be contacted now:


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