The post before the post.

May 05, 2012 22:06


I hope everyone who is in japan right now had a great Golden Week and I hope the rest of you got into May alright!
I sure did! Went to the cinema and Osaka aquarium where I took maybe 5 pics that are not blurry, so just to be on schedule, the next post is gonna be a photopost with flowers and penguins and shit, and after that there will be Barton related fic-recs! ^_^ V

I also erm... got ready for summer, seeing as it is already 25°C on average here:

Yeah materialism!

I just felt like posting random crap before actually posting the stuff I promised I would post, mostly because today is a good day and I felt like it.
I got very good news regarding my university debt which I choose not to believe for the moment, but basically my debt has halved, meaning that with a little luck I'll be able to pay off the entire shazam in 7-10 years with a good job, which motivates me to do well now so that will actually happen ^_~
I mean, it sounds like a long time, but to pay off 4 years worth of debt in double the time is marvellous.

Motivation however, evades me slightly these days - my mum told me to up my dosage and I trust her more than any doctor but since then the apathy got worse...
Double-edged sword right there.

Other than that I watched The Avengers using what has to be the earliest appearance of a camvid in recorded history and no surprise there, I thought it was lovely <3

What makes me really happy is that most people agree that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk needs his own movie stat, even though that isn't going to happen. Quite frankly I was surprised with how emotionally invested I was into the few scenes he had. He just made it so very believable, he deserved to literally single-handedly save the world.
Also lol, the biggest ship of the film has to be Tony/Bruce. Lab Bros! The way they basicaly drive into the sunset in Tony's car at the end XD

I won't say I am not a person for action, because that is stupid, but I didn't enjoy the last 30 minutes of the film as much as the actual team-building, which is why I was sad that Clint wasn't around for that much. I mean after Jeremy Renner said he basically wasn't in the movie at all I was prepared for the worst so I am actually quite satisfied in that regard, but I need SO MUCH MORE BARTON.
I think out of all the Avengers we haven't seen as much of as Tony, I can say with certainty that the relationship between Clint and Natasha is exactly as I envisioned it to be, I was just surprised by the steamroller of Natasha/Bruce feels that caught me. The way she takes care with him and wants to save him!

Now, onto Steve. I must say that this wasn't what I expected at all when Whedon said the film would deal with the Star Spangled Man's perspective on things. I think we basically learnt nothing new about Steve but the fact that he is disappointed, and to me Steve just isn't a cynical hardarse just because he is just such a good man. To me Captain America was always Steve first, soldier second but well, Captain America 2 will be set straight after The Avengers (which doesn't make much sense - you put together the group, and then everyone goes to fight evil on their own again?)

LOKI <3 Oh, Loki. The part where Thor asked him to come home and he seriously seemed to consider it for the briefest moment broke my heart all over again. Your brother has never given up on you, dumbass! Stop your madness! ;_; Or wait, keep going, because it makes me shiver in all the good ways.

How could someone dare and kill the son of Coul? Who is gonna deal with Tony from now on? I can't. Coulson was so much badassery even in his final moments that i seriously hope someone just quickfroze him or something.

And Tony... Yeah well, I read a couple of times that he Avengers was more like "Iron Man and..." and sure, if you give Tony the opportunity to be a martyr arsehole, he doesn't mind dying, his gf doesn't pick up her phone. It is such a Tony thing to do and to immediately start talking upon waking up, I really wanted to wack him.

Some tacked on Steve/Tony fic recs because the tabs are still open:

(First Impressions Are) A Work in Progress
Tony has a point system for the times he can get Steve to be less than perfect.

Scale and Perspective (The Technicolor Remix)
Tony had always appreciated Steve's art, but he didn't realize Steve's art had started appreciating him in return.

I am not even sorry, I love my perpetually blushing woobie!Steve.

I also took up watching jdramas without subtitles again for listening practice but I am already horribly behind, anyone else watching anything?

shopping is what i could do for a living, movies: american

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