Sherlockian drive-by.

Jan 12, 2012 22:58

I said I would post some sort of reaction to the current run of Sherlock, but realising it is practically already over again I will keep my meta to myself until it all over. It will be glorious.
In the meantime I am just gonna leave you with some John/Sherlock fic recs I am not sure I ever mentioned.
What I love about Ao3 is the fact that the listing is easy to navigate. If I look fics up by hits I will in most cases instantly find the fandom favourites, which will often be liked by many people becaus they are actually good, so I am usually being a snob and only read fics that many people have liked before me.
Since I ahven't written anything in half a year now, I feel sorta obligated/motivated to write again, so I am on the waiting list for an account, let's see...
Okay, recs now.

Sherlock is not just a Consulting Detective but also an Adept in a world filled (unbeknownst to most humans) with supernatural beings. Unbeknownst to Sherlock, John is his Guardian Angel.

For me, original AUs are the epitome of creativity, and I have great respect for authors who create a whole new world for themselves and fill it and make it overall believable. This is a great example for this. You have angels and all sorts of magical creatures in modern-day London and it is never weird. I was really rooting for John throughout the story, and I love to get properly invested in what i am reading, who wouldn't?

The original plan for returning to England involved fucking around being shellshocked and suffering mandatory post-combat counseling and physical therapy to dissect the shattered mosaic of his feelings. That's not quite how it goes.

Homemaking is my favourite Sherlock fic ever, I am sure I already mentioned it at some point.
It is basically a fic about John nesting. I can't read in public, because even after having read it multiple times, I still laugh aloud at some scenes.

Something else! I don't know about other countries, but in Germany, someone who is making a really big wave with his music right now is Gotye.

image Click to view

I chanced upon him in the way I think most people did - there is a cover of this song by the band Walk Off The Earth, and someone recommended it on twitter, which became a top tweet. Why I clicked it, I have no idea, but a lot of people must have clicked it and subsequently liked the video, making the tweet the top tweet, right? Through the cover, many people looked at the original, which had already topped the charts in AUs, and suddenly his album is a chart topper in Germany and his Europe tour is sold out and WHAT.
Sorry, but using the words 'internet phenomenon' is so dissatisfying. There are a LOT of things on the internet. Why do some of them take off like crazy and some don't?
Anyway, I am pretty much in love and I get this weird thing where I am really excited for other people for no apparent reason, so you go get em, mate!
Watch his making ofs if you are interested, they are very insightful.

As usual I will end this post admitting I spent a fuckton of money recently, I booked my flight back home for August, seeinga s I would love to spend some time with the family before uni starts again in mid-September, and I have also booked atrip to Okinawa! <3 I shall be going with two German mates, which is weird because I think overall I haven't spoken as much German as I do now since 2008.

fics: recs, tv: sherlock, music, youtube is your friend

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