
Dec 16, 2011 16:41

Do you believe in overhauling your life ( Read more... )

rl: overall

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kochan_addict December 16 2011, 10:09:43 UTC
Sometimes it can be scary to go on a trip alone, so power to you for not giving up! Fun can be had alone too. You don't always need people around you to enjoy yourself (and lets face it, sometimes you can have more fun by yourself than with people who don't always share your view and interests).

As for the "friends making", I understand you completely.
My husband keeps telling me how he worries about me because I'm not making new friends. He keeps harping on the "you're all alone here" thing.
I keep telling him to manage his own friends and leave mine to me.
I don't NEED a lot of friends, I'm absolutely fine being alone most of the time and I do have a friend or two I can call if I want to be social.
I prefer having 1-2 friends I can truly call "friends", than the 50+ people my husband calls friends but in reality they are just people he knows.
Yes, I would be happier if I could find more people who actually share my interests, but I don't NEED it.
Being alone doesn't make me lonely.

Finding a career can be a bit complicated. Especially when you have a very narrow knowledge and set of skills. It requires finding a very specific industry for your specialties.
I also think your university is a very good start. Even if they don't have jobs they can offer, at least they will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Good luck with everything, and enjoy your trip!!!


honeyswallow December 21 2011, 01:32:05 UTC
Power to me then ^.^ Even though yeah, I do feel slightly queasy.

The thing about making friends... I think for most people it is actually really difficult to find friends that share lots of interests with them. I remember having friends that were the complete opposite of me, but still very dear friends. I am a social person and I do get lonely, but for some reason I am less willing to spend time with just about any odd aquaintance just to not be alone.
Generally I am willing to bend over backwards for peoiple, but recently I need clear signs that people are willing to give back and the only people generally willing to do so are incidentally my best friends and there are 2 of them and that's where the circle closes I guess...


kochan_addict December 21 2011, 01:50:03 UTC
It's interesting what you're saying.
As the years go by, I find myself less and less willing to bend over for people. I used to be much less picky with the people I spend time with.
But over the years, I needed more and more to know the people I'm with are on the same page as I am (not so much in terms of interests as much as dedication to the relationship). So, I've noticed, my circle of friends has gotten smaller. Smaller and thus more personal.

Of course, a lot has change since I moved to the USA...


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