crystal blue {exo-m ft. chanyeol}

Jun 24, 2012 19:02

crystal blue
kris/xiumin ; lay/chen ; tao/lu han
crack ; pg-13
written for aideshou's 24 challenge with the picture prompt ©

“This doesn’t look like South Korea,” says Chen when they step out of the plane-on a beach in the middle of nowhere.

Tao’s eyes widen as he runs around, using his Wushu skills to kick down trees, in order to find any sign of Gucci merchandise. The rest of the group just watches, dumbfounded, as the group’s youngest tries his best to find something, anything, that resembles the brand of clothing that he has grown to admire so much. After about fifteen minutes of being a complete idiot, Tao finally slumps his shoulders and walks back to the five that have gathered in a semi-circle around the plane that just crashed.

“I knew we shouldn’t have gotten on the plane. I had heebie-jeebies,” Lay explains, twisting the fabric of his shirt.

“Stop it,” Kris says, slapping Lay’s hand. “And you didn’t have heebie-jeebies; you walked onto the plane just fine.”

“If I remember correctly, it was you, gege that lead us onto the plane in the first place!” Tao accuses, making it sound like he just stole his collection of Gucci. Which in a way, he did. Tao sits down onto the sand, and Lu Han, being the nicer gege than Kris, sits down beside him, resting his hand on his knee. “Some big brother you are!”

“Yeah,” Lay continues, “You were grabbing onto my hand the whole way! You kept making sure that we would get to the plane on time! The wrong plane!”

“This isn’t really the time or place to be dividing up the group,” Lu Han advises, looking around, his eyes stopping at the crystal blue waters of the South Pacific, where he guesses they’ve crashed. Tao sighs dramatically (but not as dramatically as diva Lay could) and rests his head on Lu Han’s lap, looking up at the golden sky. Lu Han guesses that it’s around four p.m., but he doesn’t know, because his phone broke in the crash.

Lay walks over to the water, followed by Chen, who Kris has noticed likes to follow him like a lovesick puppy (but maybe it’s because he needs a translator that won’t throw a shoe at him like the other three), and slips his shoes off. He rolls up his skinny jeans (and it’s a difficult task, that one) and starts wading into the water, letting the warmth roll between his toes.

“Lay-hyung,” Chen complains from the sand, reaching out, a small pout on his lips, “You shouldn’t be playing in the water! Your feet will be sandy.” Lay shrugs, and Chen sighs, pulling up his pants, slipping his socks and shoes off, and running in to join him.

A few minutes later, their splashing and screaming can be heard by anyone on the island.

And Kris can attest to that-being half-way into the forest that sits in the middle of their little island. It’s dark and gloomy and he should have brought Tao along so that he could do his Wushu skills, but the little brat looked so comfortable on Lu Han’s lap that he decided to fuck it, and just grabbed Xiumin’s hand instead, pulling him farther into the woods.

“Hyung,” Xiumin mumbles, gripping the taller male’s hand even more, looking over his shoulder as the light of the beach grows farther and farther away. “What are we looking for, again?” He’s trying not to annoy Duizhang, but he’s been in a pretty strong state of shock since you know, their plane crashed.

Kris tugs him forwards, almost making Xiumin fall to the ground. He picks himself up just in time, colliding with Kris’s back. He expects fireworks-“You should be paying more attention, instead of thinking of food!”-but Kris just sighs, pulling him along, over logs that are the size of tigers.

Well, to Xiumin they’re that size. He isn’t one hundred percent sure Kris would agree-the giant.

“We should look for some strong wood for fire and a shelter, and food,” Kris suggests, and Xiumin realizes that they’ve been looking, but most of the wood is wet to the touch, probably from a storm a few days ago. Xiumin follows him in further, hoping-no, praying--that they find the holy grail while they’re at it, so that they can get back to the other four-Kris doesn’t happen to be the nicest character.

“Let’s just hope that there are no tigers,” Xiumin mumbles.


“Where did Xiumin go?” Tao asks, lifting his head from the sand a few hours later. Lu Han shrugs, placing another stick onto the pile of wood that he has made. Lay and Chen sit on the sand, hand on hand and dripping wet from playing in the water.

“I think Kris dragged him off,” Lay says, nodding to the forest, “I don’t know why though.”

“Lovebirds,” Tao mumbles, crawling over to the pile and pulling at Lu Han’s sleeve, forcing him to sit down. They gaze at the pile of sticks longingly, half-wondering if it would just start up on its own, half-wondering who would start it up. Tao doesn’t realize what’s going on until everyone’s staring at him expectantly.

“What? Me?” he asks, his hand on his chest, as if he’s flabbergasted. Which he is! He wasn’t EXO-M’s slave! Sure, he would do aegyo and things and sometimes help Lu Han do work around the house-but his aegyo was certainly the thing that would make them his slaves. He clears his throat and looks up at Lay, cocking his head to the side. “Gege, I can’t do it. Bbuing-bbuing~”

Lay sighs and gets up, grabbing two sticks and starting to move them back together, chanting “sorry sorry sorry sorry” underneath his breath as he does so. Lu Han laughs at the joke, and Chen just watches with anticipation.

“If only our ‘powers’ were real,” Tao said, “We could have just asked Kris to help by bringing the dragon.” Lay grunts, moving his hands faster, in hopes of getting a flame before Kris came back. The thing was-Duizhang really believed he could fly and turn into a dragon and shit. It was actually pitiful sometimes.

“Look!” Chen squeals when a flame appears out of nowhere. Tao rolls his eyes at his childish behavior, but Lu Han seems excited, too, so he pretends that the spark is cool.

The fire spreads quickly and they heat up nicely, Lay’s clothing sticking to his skin deliciously because of how loose his attire is. They chat lazily, not really caring that it’s been over four hours since Kris and Xiumin had been gone for over three hours, now.

“Hey!” They look up, and see a phoenix-no, Chanyeol! They jump up, looking into the sky, and Chanyeol flies down, smiling. “You guys wanna come back home?” They nod eagerly, and just as they’re about to fly off, back to Seoul, Xiumin joins the group, and they set off.

They’re half-way home when Lu Han coughs. “Where’s Kris?” he asks, and Tao shrugs, leaning into him.

“Who cares? The bigger question is-why does Chanyeol have powers, and we don’t?”

Chanyeol turns from flying the phoenix to smile back at Tao and Lu Han, “It’s the sugar~”

a/n: no - chanyeol is not on some drug. it's just sugar.
a/n1: and then kris woke up from his dream ~ ! and realized that he needed to stop eating before he went to bed. /nodnod
a/n2: if you liked the fic - please vote for it when it's time to vote at aideshou! yep! thanksies!
a/n3: my crack needs.. crack.

exo-m: tao, ot6: exo-m, exo-m: chen, exo-m: lu han, exo-m: kris, exo-m: xiuminnie, pairing: chen/lay, exo-m: lay, pairing: kris/xiumin, pairing: tao/lu han, misc: challenge, fandom: exo

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