Nov 24, 2008 15:35
I have a bad habit. I let every little thing get to me, and it's really stressing me out. Seriously, everything is annoying. I get annoyed when my roommate takes a shower right after I go to bed at 2 am, or when a car pulls out right in front of me because they didn't want to wait, or when people take up the entire sidewalk and refuse to move even when they see someone else coming. I'm annoyed that my roommates use my really expensive knives then don't wash them and dry them right away to prevent rusting. I whine, complain and yell. In short, I'm feeling like frustration and annoyance are taking over my life, and I'm tired of it.
I really need to start focusing on the good aspects of life a lot more. I think if I could do this, I would feel a lot less stressed and be a happier, more peaceful person overall instead being worked up all the time. I really feel like this is affecting me, at least through stress levels. That, and I feel like I'm not a very pleasant person to be around because I let so many things affect me that really shouldn't. Does anybody have any suggestiong as to how I can break this bad habit?