Dreams go 'round and 'round

Apr 16, 2010 16:54

My ex and I dated for nearly a year and a half. We broke up in November of 2005. I haven't seen him since the summer of 2006. There was a time when I truly loved him more than anything, but that was long ago.

I've been having dreams about him more often than not lately and thinking about him most days. My dreams often involve running to him, hugging, and kissing, sometimes more. Sometimes they involve choosing him over Dan. Sometimes there are conversations over what happened between us.

This morning I had several such dreams, or maybe just one convoluted dream. I was in a car with my ex, and we were racing to the beach. It changed, and Dan and I were at some weird outdoor Costco at the beach. Dan was standing in line for something, and I was wandering around a ways off. I somehow knew that my ex was on the beach, and I took off running. I ran through the line, right past Dan, and down to the sand. I found him, but when he turned around after I tapped his shoulder, it was our friend Anthony. Not my ex. It changed, and I was again running across the sand and jumping into the arms of my ex.

It's not that I want to get back together with my ex. I think it's more that I was really happy back then. I had just graduated high school, I was surrounded by friends, and we were in love. Everything was working out well, and I had very few worries. Now everything is different. Nothing is going right, and I'm not happy. I can't say that I am overtly unhappy, more "blah" than anything else really. I guess I just want to revert to times that are long gone.

dreams, ex

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