Quick update:
1. I heart Seth. We get to see him again in about a week and a half! Yay! \o/
2. Dan got his hands on another pair of tickets! We're going to the next Big Bang Theory taping in January. Maybe I'll be able to collect my two missing signatures?
3. I has a jorb. I just got a call, and I'll be working/training the rest of the week from 10am to 3pm. That's 20 hours! Whoo! Now to figure out how to notify Unemployment. Anyone?
4. Yesterday was awesome. I "cashed in" my "Dan's Super Spa Day for Caties" coupon and zomg. So much relaxation. More later.
This article is absurd.
"During a hearing last June, Boxer interrupted Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh of the Army Corps of Engineers in mid-sentence: "Do me a favor?" she said. "Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?' It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it. Yes, thank you.""
Senator Boxer was well within her rights to request that her title be used. She fought for it, and she deserves it. Calling her "ma'am" is like calling a lady doctor "ma'am." Use the title, it's not that hard. It's not arrogance; it's asking for respect that is her due for all of her hard work to get to where she is now. To the republicans blowing this out of proportion: Get a life. That quote is really not a big deal. Get over it and get over yourselves.
""Once in 17 years that I've been a senator, I asked a witness to call me senator, because we were having a back and forth and I kept saying 'general' and he kept saying 'ma'am', and it went general, ma'am, general, ma'am. And I thought, you know what, this is one of those times we ought to call each other by our titles," she [Senator Boxer] said in an interview."6. To balance out that stupidity...
Houston elected an openly gay mayor! That's all for now, I'll be back later!