Jun 10, 2009 09:53
I'M DONE WITH FINALS!!!!!!!!!! I just finished my LAST FINAL EVAR about an hour ago. Now, I'm going to go have a nice relaxing day and not think about school or anything connected to it for awhile.
Today, Dan and I are going to get Subway sandwiches (yay coupon), see I Love You Man at the dollar theatre (because we're cheap like that) and bring popcorn and soda to the theatre (because we're super cheap like that). Oh, and we're getting my car washed because it's really dirty and has been bugging me for the last three months (boo, water shortage and disappearing hoses). We're also apparently going to the gym at some point today so we can be healthy. I'd rather not, but it's worth it even if I don't want to go. Maybe we'll finally finish Mario Galaxy and/or watch some Buffy/Angel, too! Today should be a good day =)