Apr 17, 2009 23:49
Ugh this week has been insanely busy, and it's not even over yet.
Monday: I had class and tutoring practically 9am to 5pm with only two hours off between classes. I called the student Mental Health Clinic to schedule an appointment about my anxiety stuff, but they were already closed, so I just headed home for dinner. I was supposed to go to my dance class 6-7:30pm, but I skipped it in favor of studying for my statistics midterm.
Tuesday: I had my stats exam at 8am - after only getting ~5 hours of sleep, if not less. It was my only class of the day, but did I get to sit back and relax after that? Noooo, I had stuff to do! I called UCI Mental Health after getting a missed call from them and set up my triage appointment for Thursday. While on the phone, my mom called, so I had to call her back after finishing up with the clinic. I don't exactly remember what we talked about, but I know she mentioned my health insurance and whatnot, then she let me go so I could make some more calls. Next I called a podiatrist for a foot exam so I can get surgery on my foot to remove a bone chip that likes to pinch a nerve and cause me crazy amounts of pain. I got an appointment for Thursday morning next week. So then I called a representative about ordering my UCI class ring, but she didn't answer. I called my mom back, and of course the lady called me back in the middle of the conversation with my mother, so I had to abandon my mom and take the call. I thought this phone call was just some informational thing, but I submitted my ring order! It's gorgeous and should be here in four weeks! I am so excited! But at the same time I'm miffed that it's showing up early because I don't want to ~officially wear it until graduation. Oh noes! What a terrible dilemna =P OH AND GUESS WHAT. It's $50+ less than I expected, so YAY!! So, I got my ring ordered (!!!) then called my mom back to notify her of the transaction, the total cost, and what to expect on the next credit card statement. I literally spent 2+ hours on the phone with 4 different people. When I was finally done with all my massive amounts of phone calls, I had to finish my stats homework and write a worksheet for my tutees and get it sent out. Then I had to make dinner and run out the door to get to speaker event for the National Society of Leadership and Success on time at 8pm.
Wednesday: Same as Monday, but this time I went to dance class, so I was at school from 9am to 7:30pm with three 1 hour breaks - first I came home to get more stuff together, then back off to class; second spent researching tyrannosaurus rex for my physiology class; third for dinner, then I had to run off to make it to dance class on time. End of dance class came around, but was I done? Oh no. I had to meet my group from the National Society of Leadership and Success at Starbucks at 8pm for our first Success Networking Team meeting (oooh over acheiver!). I didn't get to go back home until 9:30pm! I was at school from nearly 9am to 9:30pm! LAME!
Thursday: Up at 7 for an 8am statistics discussion. Came home, finished stats homework, wrote another worksheet for my tutees, and brainstormed my ~anxiety symptoms for my appointment later on... which made me feel like I was overexaggerating my problems and led to an almost-abandoment of my appointment. I somehow got distracted and was almost late leaving for my appointment. I got there (early!) and waited for someone to give me my patient history forms and surveys. And waited and waited. I must have read the depression, relaxation techniques, and the two anxiety booklets two or three times each. FINALLY someone came out and handed me my forms. I finished and went in to see the doctor lady. It was easier than I thought it would be to talk to the doctor, though she was kind of annoying because she did this annoying/weird laugh/giggle/mhmm thing after almost every sentence. She wrote down tons of notes and asked me boatloads of questions. At the end of the 30 minutes she categorized me as a Tier 1 patient because I am a graduating senior, so I need to help now more so than a freshman. This just means that if any appointment slots open up, I get first dibs. Yay, perks. After my appointment I came back home to do more work for tutoring. I compiled three exams from previous quarters for my students, but I had to answer 1/3 of the questions for myself because the professor hadn't posted an answer key. Dan and I FINALLY actually got to work on our Tyrannosaurus rex powerpoint presentation for physiology. Dan went to bed by midnight, but I get an energy boost around then and went on a cleaning spree around the kitchen, then I figured out more stuff to add to the powerpoint. I finally got to bed at 2am.
Friday: zomg another long day. 9am statistics (again!), then a one hour break to get stuff together and check email, then off to physiology class. My break came when I found out that I am in one of three groups that did not have to present today, so now I have more time to put a better presentation together for Monday. w00t. Physiology lab was kind of fun today - we got to play with electrodes for an electromyogram. Got done early, turned in timesheets to LARC, then went to the class I tutor for. Got out at 5pm, raced home, ate a half can of soup and a slice of bread for dinner, and raced back to campus for my review session at 6pm. I ran the review from 6 to 8pm and ended up doing most of the talking because everyone gets all ~scared when there are 24 other people in the room instead of just eight. I got home at 8pm and crashed. Ate some chili for the second half of my dinner while watching Stephen Colbert. Then I realized, I hadn't gone shopping for Gilda's (pronounced Hilda) baby shower the next day. CRAP. I had to run to Target at 9pm to find baby stuff and wrapping paper, zoomed home to wrap it, and now here I am. Why I'm still up, I don't know.
My week is still not over. I have to get up at 6am tomorrow and leave here by 7am to get to the OC Zoo by 7:30am for volunteering. I'm cutting tomorrow's hours short so I can get back here and go to Wayzgoose/UCI openhouse/some festival in the park and actually have some fun. Later tomorrow, I have another speaker even for the National Society of Leadership and Success - I am unable to make one of the events, but I've been allowed to go to this screening with the NSLS officers because I took the initiative. Go me. Sunday will be dedicated to more work on the physiology paper and presentation. I'm also supposed to help Dan out on a video project sometime this weekend. I just want to sleeeeep.
Highlight of my week? I got new socks!
This is why I never have time to update my LJ anymore.
Seriously, it's like this EVERY DAY. I wonder how long before this drives me insane?