(no subject)

Mar 22, 2009 12:32

Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been pretty busy with school and whatnot.

The past couple of weeks have sucked. I had two midterms and two papers to write during week 9 (3/2-3/6). I started writing one paper on Sunday, then had to study for my history midterm on Monday. I went to school, took the midterm (aced it!) then tutored for four hours, got home and started writing again. Tuesday I had to skip going to the zoo so I could finish up my Developmental Cell Biology lab report. It ended up being 10 pages long with 4 references and 9 tables/charts/graphs. As soon as I finished that paper, I had to start on the next one for Neurobiology. I worked on that one as soon as I got out of school/work on Wednesday and all Thursday. And I mean all Thursday. I had to skip the zoo for a second time that week. I finally finished writing it around 3am Friday morning, but could I sleep then? Nooooo, I had to study for my 9am nutrition midterm! So I studied until I was too tired, napped for 45 minutes, then woke up and studied more, ate breakfast, studied more, printed out my papers and headed out to take my exam and turn in my lab reports. My Neurobiology report turned out to be 11 pages with 8 tables and graphs -- so I wrote 20ish pages of scientific writing in one week. Ugh.

Here's how I ended up doing:
Roman History midterm: 98% A+
Developmental Cell Biology lab report: 72.5/75 A
Neurobiology lab report: 166/180 A-
Nutrition midterm: 16/25 boooo hiss
Huh I just noticed that my grades 
I blame my poor nutrition grade on lack of studying because I was way too busy writing *sad face* But I worked so hard!! The second midterm actually was harder than the first, which Prof Bradley said he wouldn't do but did.

Week 10 was nothing like Week 9. I had a lot to do for tutoring that week, but not so much for school. I did a lot of extra tutoring for someone who wasn't in my LARC sessions. Yay extra monies. I went to the zoo on Tuesday and Thursday to "play with the goats" -- supervise the contact area and make sure little kids don't kick, push, or tug on the little goats. On Friday, I had a 2+ hour review session followed by another 2ish hours to answer questions. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. That Saturday, I got up at 6am to be at the zoo by 7:30 am. I helped Hilda (the keeper I'm assigned to) with her animals' diets and cleaned the bear pens, then headed out to the goat pens again until 3:30. Sunday was more tutoring for the non-LARC student, then I had to start studying for my finals.

Finals week can be summed up like this, starting Sunday: tutor, studystudy eat studystudy sleep studystudystudystudy EXAM! study sleep studystudystudy EXAM! studystudystudy sleep studystudy EXAM! *die* sleep, go to the zoo, play with goats, come home, read for history, studystudy sleep EXAM! *die again* And here we are. It really sucks to have a final at 8 to 10pm, followed by another final at 1:30 to 3:30pm, followed by another one at 8 to 10am! Three hard finals, with absolutely no break in between. I really would have liked a few more hours to study for Nutrition (my 3rd final), but I ended up doing just fine. 


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