sunday + weather.

Feb 20, 2011 20:37

i don't know why i thought it was a good idea to take a sick-ish, underslept 3.5 year old to an exhibit at the museum of natural history on a holiday weekend. a sense of adventure? masochism, perhaps? alleviating my guilt for returning to "work"? which is completely an issue of my own making because eloise loves daycare and erica-the-nanny-days.

omfg, what a bunch of suck this day was. there was no parking anywhere. it took us 20 minutes to get there but over an hour to park. sprout fell asleep in the car and had to be woken up from deep sleep. she had a 30 minute hysterical freak-out because she didn't want to wear a jacket outside. i usually choose my clothing battles carefully but a long-sleeved cotton t-shirt in this weather? noooo. the brain exhibit was sold out for the day. she ran around the museum like a chicken with its head couped. crazy crowded. yada yada.

we are home. sprout is in PJs. i'm going to have a beer.

3 inches of snow tonight. it was 65° on friday! i was teaching a. to drive, wearing a hoodie with the windows wide open and drinking iced tea. what a sweet lie.

this portlandia skit really makes me laugh. <3 carrie brownstein.

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give me alcohol, winter cold, nyc, bad days

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