dw_remix link post

Nov 10, 2013 14:13

I made:

Title: Bright Shadow (The Don’t Be Alone Remix)
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Eleven, Vasta, Jenny, Strax (Eleven+Vastra, Eleven+Amy, Eleven+Rory, Vastra/Jenny)
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Summary: 'Don't be alone, Doctor.' Or, the Doctor, his solitude, and his friends.
A/N: For


a_phoenixdragon wrote the fantastic original, Let in the Light of Your Bright Shadow. (You should also read The Color of Apathy, which also has Eleven and Vastra.)

My remixer was

paranoidangel42, who wrote The Doctor Cooks (The Eleventh Time Lucky Remix). Summary: The Doctor offers to cook dinner for Amy and Rory. What could go wrong?

It's a remix of Fare/Taste, with all the Doctors and many, many companions. And cooking, obviously! It's brilliant and I'm absolutely thrilled!

+ there's classic Who, Torchwood, SJA, Big Finish... pretty awesome!

This entry was originally posted at http://honeynoir.dreamwidth.org/177113.html.

fic, fic: doctor who, remix

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