May 29, 2005 21:02
i haven't updated in a while, so i just decided to because i'm really bored. well i haven't really done anything this weekend. friday was graduation, it was really good. i didn't cry at all. tiana and i held hands the entire time we were singing, so that helped. after graduation i went over miriam's house and hung out with her, her cousin, theresa, and jerricka. it was fun. her that's all i have to say. we had some good food too. we were watching something on cbs i think it was about paris hilton and some commerical she made for hamburgers, it was crazy. lol. there were some funny jokes being made about that. anyway we left her house a little after 11 and went to project graduation. omg, it was soo much fun! everyone just broke out of their shell, and i actually danced. the funnest part was taking pictures and doing videos. we did "wannabe," "bugga boo", lol, and "lights camera action." ahh fun times. they gave away some stupid prizes and it took like 45 minutes to give them out. anyway, afterwards we went to ihop. omg. i was so drunk. (not literally) but it was funny because everyone was really tired and we were all just sayin some crazy stuff and laughin at the dumbest stuff. haha. but anyway, the whole night was just a lot of fun.
i haven't really done anything since friday, pretty much just been hangin around the house. i didn't get to go to corey's graduation, long story. but anyway, i didn't get to go and i feel bad. this is the last week of school? what? i think i'm going to go on the monday and tuesday just for the fun of it. i know we probably won't do anything, and i just want to go because it'll be fun to say bye to everyone for the summer. maybe we'll get to watch movies or something. i really hope mrs. estep doesn't try to give us worksheets or something gay like that, that would really suck. school is going okay. my grades are really good actually, and i'm excited. i'm just not excited about the whole finals thing. it'll suck because i'm not going to want to do study.
i don't know if i'm doing anything tomorrow. i think my mom is going to cookout or something, but i really don't want to stay home again. so if anybody wants to do something, i do too. so you should call me or IM me or something. well that's all i'm writing for now.