for anyone who wants them ( I know one or two of you do)

Jan 01, 2009 07:42


I Love Party People
bounce with me

I Love Party People 2
hey yo~! Come on!!

I Love Party People 3
 koshi futte FUNFUNFUN!

Ninkimono de iko!
ganguro na hon maguro



side note: for the new year--


*stop crying over ozma going back to kishidan...

* stop having panic attacks over King. Hopefully he will find something to do in the spot light so I don't have to move to stalk him!

*collect M0AR King PEEKTURES. I don't have enough  to wank  with ;~;

*loose M0AR weight. I am down 20lbs. I have quite a bit of way to go so far <3

*M0AR BITCHING  stop being so bitchy...

* stick to my own accord. I am tired of letting everyone else lead, it never being a good interest for me and then them laughing when I end up in the ditch when pulling them out.

Yes, I really am that pastey. Yes, those are signature "coon" eyes. And before you ask -
yes, that is a Jack Daniels Baby T. And finally yes, I agree I am a hick too.
Off yo do hair.. lalala.

pancho, king, dj ozma, new years

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