Title: Stranded
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Sawajiri Erika
Genre: the start of something new
Rating: PG for language
Summary: What it is, it's just the beginning; It's raining and Erika's stuck in Shibuya-ku... Isn't it just her luck that the first person who comes along to help her is a swaggering butthead from Johnny's Entertainment?
Disclaimer: Owned by Johnny's and Stardust promotion. Just messing with.
Notes: I think, deep inside, I don't actually believe that Nishikido is as irresistible as he thinks. xD
Wouldn't it be just her luck that pouring rain starts to fall just as she's leaving Shibuya-ku, Erika thinks, as she runs into the nearest waiting shed, shopping bags clutched in one hand.
She lets out an annoyed breath, pulls out her mobile phone. She dials Kitagawa Keiko first, and reaches voicemail; she tries Sato Megumi next, with the same luck. She leaves a message to both girls, just in case, and decides to wait out the rain, watching for any passing cabs--
But every cab that came was occupied, and after a while Erika grows restless-- the rain wouldn't stop pouring, and neither had Keiko or Megumi replied. She was in the process of sending them another mail when a red BMW came rumbling through, pausing in front of her.
The window rolls down, and it's Nishikido Ryo at the driver's seat, smirking at her. "Oi, Sawajiri. You stranded?"
"What's it to you?" she asks, casting a distrustful glance at the vehicle.
He shakes his head, laughs. "Get in, I'll take you where you need to go," he tells her.
Erika gives the car another glance and shakes her head. "Gomen kudasai," she mutters proudly. "I don't get into cars with strangers."
Ryo sputters at that. "The hell are you talking about, we were in a drama together!" he exclaims.
"I think I'd rather wait for a cab," she replies. Seriously, couldn't the guy just get the fuck out of her face?
Then lightning strikes, dangerously close, and thunder begins to roll-- Ryo has gunned the engine, but Erika reaches out for the handle out of sheer survival instinct, and gets in.
He gives her that smirk again. "Scared, are you."
They cruise through the streets slowly, given the traffic and the wet asphalt; Ryo rummages in the back to find a red scarf similar to the one she had when they were still doing that drama together. "Here," he says, offering it to her. "Put this thing on."
Erika looks at the offered piece of clothing and shakes her head slightly. "... No, thanks," she murmurs, wrapping her arms around herself instead.
"What, are you going to refuse everything I offer you? Just take the damn thing, you're freezing."
"I'm fine," she insists, "and my place is near, so I don't--"
He cuts her off by wrapping the scarf securely around her neck himself. "Are you worried that it clashes with your dress?" he asks sarcastically.
She stares up at him for a long moment.
He thinks he's gotten a breakthrough.
Finally, she speaks. "Um... Will you back up off me?"
He shakes his head, pulls back. Concentrates on his driving, trying to control the twitch in his cheek signifying his annoyance. One fickle woman, this Sawajiri. One fickle woman.
"Why'd you help me out?" she asks after a while.
Ryo gives her a crooked smile. "You always seem to need rescuing from the rain. I guess I'm more like Asou than I thought."
Erika turns to him and scoffs. "You," she begins, "are nothing like Asou Haruto."
"Yeah, well, you're not like Ikeuchi, either," he retorts. "Ikeuchi would have showered me with thank yous by now."
"In what way do I resemble an invalid to you, Johnny's?"
Ryo shakes his head, muttering under his breath. "Horikita wasn't this difficult when it was her I met under the rain..."
Erika blinks, surprised. "Horikita? What have you been doing lately, stalking female idols during storms?"
He doesn't answer, and Erika stifles her smile. Predictable.
They reach her building, and Ryo actually extends himself to the point where he carries an umbrella over her head as she walks in, all up to her place.
But where he thought he would be invited in, he was sorely mistaken. Erika opened her door and then turned to him. "Thank you, Nishikido. I'll see you around."
He lets out a mirthless sort of laugh. "Yeah, well. After all of that out there, is that the least you can do?"
"You offered me a ride," she tells him mildly. "It wasn't like you saved my life."
Ryo shakes his head ruefully. "Fine," he replies, "I'm getting out of here. I think my ego's gotten too much bashing for one day."
He turns away, and Erika pushes off from the door to touch his arm.
Ryo stares down at her. At this height he could see her eyes weren't the regular, murky brown-- they were hazel.
Erika rears up-- he closes his eyes.
Ryo feels a light touch on his cheek, and realizes that it was her lips. He opens his eyes to find her smirking at him.
"Call me," she murmurs quietly, making for her door.
".................. OI!" he yells suddenly at the closed door. "I don't even have your mail address!"
She giggles from the other side audibly. "So be resourceful. Good night, Nishikido."