Jul 03, 2005 15:18
Yesterday I wrote an entry and was fully done, when it got lost in the depths of the interenet.
That was so frodtrating to me that I didn't do it over.
So, here's my new try.
I finally made it through the last week of school before summer. It was hard but I made it. Good thing was that my sweety came back from the army and that we had a wonderful time. He's such a winderful person. He came back full of enthusiasm so we bought him a bike to go on tour together. I'm really looking forward to that. But as it always is, now the weather is not dependable enough to plan big tours. But oh well, the time will come.
Now I ahve to work for about 7 more weeks before my vacation starts. I'll kill that time by getting in shape and of course practicing my guitar play. On Friday I met with 2 of my friends who are really good guitar players and I realized that there is still a long way to go till I'M even close to them, but still my play has improved and so I keep on playing to get better.