Nov 02, 2006 20:50
I just finished my 10 page research paper and it feels good to be done, well not really because I know I'm going to keep changing things. But the hard part is all done. Thank god!
School has been keeping me really busy and really stressed - so stressed that I started peeing blood! Went to the doctor and I tested positive for a uti. Sounds a lot more serious than it really is, but if not fixed could become majorly serious. I got a perscription and it should be gone soon.
When I'm not in class, doing homework, with my tutor, or at the gym I do try to keep a social life. I went to Santa Barbara this past weekend was drunk to the point where I tap danced for Max and JT. It was good fun. I also got to enjoy the warm-warm weather, we went to the beach and I got a mini tan! It was so nice to see the sun and just be at the beach. For Halloween a bunch of us went to Castro Street. It was really cool to see all of the costumes but there was so many people there and only one place for everyone to dance not to mention it was FREEZING! So we ended up leaving an hour and half later, but the muni dropped us off a little past West Portal because it had to go back and pick up the millions of people at Castro to control the crowds. We had to walk all the way back to campus (that is like walking from Chelsea's house to the high school) in the freezing cold weather. That kind of ruiend my night. Max and I decided that Allie Richter's halloween party last year was way better.
My roommate has a boyfriend. It's cute.
Going to the 49er game with JT on Sunday and they are retiring Jerry Rice's jersey so maybe that'll rev em up to finally win a game!
I've definitely been having some experiences here but my body needs home. 15 days.