
Jan 23, 2012 15:57

Y'know, with all these file-sharing sites going down, I may have to temporarily suspend watching SPN, should I run out of online options. I'm not going to run out and buy a TV just for this one show, and there's no way I'd pay for cable anyway. I suppose I could watch it streaming, but frankly I really prefer catching it at my leisure on a Sunday, without commercials, when most of the reaction posts are in. That's how I avoided wasting an hour watching that Becky episode. It's pretty nice, actually. As the season is winding down I'd consider paying for the individual eps, but I'm not sure how long it takes for them to be made available at Amazon or wherever. iTunes? I dunno, man, I just don't know. These primitive business models are so inappropriate in a 21st century environment.

Eh, we'll see how it goes. I've not been hugely active in fandom lately, so it's probably no big thing, and most of my fics are unrelated to immediate series events. Still, I hate trying to avoid tripping over spoilers, since it makes trawling LJ kind of a minefield (my experience as I was catching up, oy, and the reason I try to always warn for spoilers on all my fics because HOLY JEEBUS), and it makes the experience kind of annoying when you aren't keeping up regularly.

My experience with the Sherlock ep showed me that actually, too many spoilers make the thing kind of a dull experience, at least for me, so I'd definitely want to avoid them. I'm going to go back and check out other options, but it's looking pretty bleak out there at the moment.

*dodges tumbleweeds*

rl, blather

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