Flashfic: Up Dreamland's Spine, PG

May 24, 2011 18:42

Up Dreamland's Spine

Summary: He wakes up. That’s the first problem.
Warnings: Mild language, references to twentieth-century atrocities
Spoilers: 6.22
Up Dreamland's Spine )

flashfic, castiel, fic

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Comments 16

claudiapriscus May 24 2011, 23:26:18 UTC
How awesome are you? Also, I think I should inform you that I am now in love with you, if only for the idea about the jar.

I'd like to imagine Death occasionally pontificating to the jar. Maybe giving it a shake. And then putting it back up on a shelf somewhere.


honeylocusttree May 25 2011, 02:10:10 UTC
Hee. I have noticed a dearth of really dark fic in this fandom--sure, there's lots of guts and gore, but very few really present a story of the 'the world is not only more horrible than we imagine, but more horrible than we can imagine' variety. I am working to rectify this.

I picture Death toting them around in his pocket, occasionally yes, giving it a shake, going "This was not the way things were meant to go."

And then Cas shows up. <3


claudiapriscus May 25 2011, 14:28:40 UTC
The difference, I think, is that real darkfic is just horror by another name (a type of horror, anyway). And the show, as well as the fans, are really more into blood, guts, and angst. Angst and horror don't mix well, though I can't put my finger on exacty why this early in the morning. Something about a conflict in perspective. Angst is too...personal, and requires too much normality so that the characters can sit and really feel miserable.

This is why I think I like End 'Verse stuff so much. It's more solidly on the horror side.


honeylocusttree May 28 2011, 19:55:54 UTC
I meant to reply to this a while back...whoops! But yeah, I agree with you about the angst thing--horror is often used as a metaphor for angst, if that makes sense. It's not the thing but a stand-in for the thing. So we can have the experience but in a way that's distanced from the reasons.


borgmama1of5 May 24 2011, 23:27:49 UTC

This hurt my head and my heart.


honeylocusttree May 25 2011, 02:07:16 UTC
No, but see, then Cas goes on a journey of self-discovery and rescues Sam and Dean and together they battle Crazy!God!Castiel and reset the world and there are puppies and ice cream and puppy flavored ice cream and rainbows!

Actually, I suspect season 7 will be less bleak than this. So, yay!


Up Dreamland's Spine catsintheattic May 25 2011, 05:35:08 UTC
This is deliciously evil.


Re: Up Dreamland's Spine honeylocusttree May 25 2011, 17:10:28 UTC
That's the best flavor of evil!


(The comment has been removed)

honeylocusttree May 25 2011, 17:10:52 UTC
Yessss. Thank you!


vasiliki May 28 2011, 20:41:50 UTC
LOVED it! This isn't the opposite of fix-it fic, that's the perfect fix-it fic! Is he seriously crying at the end? For God's sake, why? AT LAST, a new universe, not the bleakness of SPN after the S6 finale, where nothing holds meaning anymore - not life, not death, not Heaven!


honeylocusttree May 28 2011, 21:01:12 UTC
*waggles eyebrows* Well, you know, it might have something to do with the being adrift and friendless in a world he's barely equipped to survive in. That, and there's the question of whether a universe without meaning is all that much worse than a universe whose meaning is manufactured. *does the eyebrow thing some more*

I was forced to read existential literature when I was in the 7th grade. This may have somewhat affected my outlook on life. XD

Glad you enjoyed it!


vasiliki May 28 2011, 23:12:30 UTC
LoL I think I'm still so affected by the finale, that if I were to choose between Cas alive in a universe with manufactured meaning and him dead in a bleak and meanigless universe, it's no brainer which one I'd choose! ;)

Like "The French Mistake": a universe without Misha and meaning isn't worthy for anyone to live in! ;_;


honeylocusttree May 29 2011, 22:47:48 UTC
Preach it, sistah.


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