"This is a very serious drama"

Sep 27, 2012 08:09

I had a dream I was watching Game of Thrones and one of the main characters is a cyborg.

I'm not kidding. And I've still never watched the show, and in the dream I was watching it for the first time and trying to understand how a cyborg fits into the whole ancient civilizations premise. And I kept mocking it by saying 'this is a very serious drama.'

And then Mitt Romney was in the show and everyone else was wearing like, cloaks and tunics and leather and he had a white shirt and tie and I was trying to figure out what the hell was happening in this show.

This is the second time I've dreamed about GoT. The last time I think there were circus clowns. There might have actually been a clown car. Clearly my brain has some associations with GoT that Martin couldn't even imagine.


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