that was fun

Sep 24, 2012 19:18

I'm trying to get in the habit of responding to crazy angry drivers, who try to intimidate me on the road, with a) a smile and a wave or b) blown kisses. Today was (a). I couldn't quite bring myself to the level of insouciance required to blow kisses at a guy trying to fake-ram my car. But I hope the failure to response in kind was at least confusing to his teeny intellect. And I'm sure he'll take his rage home and spread it around, and that, my friends, is karma.

It's not like I'm not guilty of cussing people out on the road, of course. But man, how often do people respond to that by being really annoying and smiling a lot and not engaging in the mutual road-rage? I hope it's as frustrating and unsatisfying as it seems.

rl, blather

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