I mainly went to see this for two reasons: a) Dr. Banner and b) Agent Coulson.
So I am little heartbroken now. *snf*
But Hulk was awesome! As were many other things! Including the following:
1. Black Widow was 1000% more badass than I expected, and much less slutty. Hardly any slut-fu at all!
2. Maria Hill! Also exceedingly badass and kicking off the start of the movie which was *awesome*!
3. Thoroughly enmeshed multiple worlds combined to form one meg-awesome movieverse!
4. Thor was less lame than expected (haven't seen the Thor movie, I can't be blamed for expecting more Shakespeare in the park.)
5. Stark.
6. Joss Whedon's writing. Every Joss line. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
7. 'Legolas'
8. The big battle and several other bits were lifted from various Ultimates and Ultimate-universe comics. Fun!--But the super gritty angsty stuff like Giant Man beating the holy hell out of his wife was left out. Good call, Joss Whedon. Good call.
9. Just the right amount of fighting (all) and the right amount of romance (zero).
10. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, BFFs forever HOMG yespleaz. If Bruce is in the next Iron Man movie I will roll around in glee. He won't be. But. I can dream, right?
11. Banter! Soo much banter! Eeee!
12. I could go into detail about how much I liked Dr. Banner and the Hulk--the hand wringing, the fact that Hulk's face *looked* like Dr. Banner, the smashy-smashy stuff, the bit where he yells at Black Widow for the first time and it was genuinely startling--but I--oh wait, I just did. Whoops.
13. They really put the flying ship in. Really. For real.
14. Hawkeye was made to be very cool and kinda intimidating. Well played.
15. Skrulls. Wahaha!
16. The Potts/Stark banter was engaging and fun.
17. Hulk chasing Black Widow was genuinely unnerving.
18. The totality of the world. Just. Damn.
19. Fury was pretty cool too. Also lifted from the Ultimate verse, but less of a jerkass, I thought. Likeable, even. And they never said if he too lost his eye to Wolverine. Hmmm....
Man, I could keep going. But I think I'll just have to wait around and see it again. Soon. Real soon.
Also: Battleship trailer. Anyone else notice that the alien weapons are actually shaped like little pegs? Because a thousand thousand facepalms. Oy.