Sketch in progress: girl!Dean

May 03, 2012 18:59

So after talking to classiczeppelin, I got the urge to draw some not-femmy!girl Dean. And Sam. So I noodled around with a sketch. It's in progress--I'm currently fixing that right arm. Sam's gonna be in the b/g, probably, if I can get her to cooperate ( Read more... )

sketch, dean

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Comments 11

tifaching May 3 2012, 23:18:27 UTC
The black and white is looking really good right now. But if you want to add color, I'm sure that would be awesome too.

This is SO how girl!Dean would look.


honeylocusttree May 4 2012, 02:16:10 UTC
I was thinking I might ink it and then do some greys? I'm not big on colors at all, so it'll just depend on how much effort I feel like putting in, when I'm supposed to be doing this 5 page paper...

Thanks for the feedback! And yes, I feel that girl!Dean should look like someone who could murder a houseful of vampires with nothing but a machete. ;)


embroiderama May 3 2012, 23:50:48 UTC
That's wonderful! And very like how I envisioned genderswapped Dean when I wrote that recently.


honeylocusttree May 4 2012, 02:17:14 UTC
I debated on the hair, bu in the end I couldn't bring myself to make it even a smidge longer. I feel like it's essential to the character.

Just about finished with Samantha. She just needs a weapon.


embroiderama May 4 2012, 02:25:21 UTC
Oh! When I saw your post the other day about Dean's hair always being longer in genderswap art, I wanted to link you to a wonderful pic by ileliberte but I was on my phone at the time. It's here--her Dean isn't as butch as yours but she's awesome, and Sam's hair is MUCH longer.


quickreaver May 4 2012, 00:56:28 UTC
I love pencilwork, so I say leave it pencil. LOVE the hair. (Looks a little like you, m'dear!)


honeylocusttree May 4 2012, 02:18:48 UTC
Man, I really try to avoid the whole 'drawing characters to look like yourself' thing, but sometimes it just can't be avoided. And I look like *everybody*, so I shouldn't be surprised. *rolls eyes at self*

I was thinking I might ink it, but anyway I still need to do another set of pencil lines, so we'll see. I suck at pencil shading though. Hmm...


quickreaver May 4 2012, 03:47:57 UTC
Honestly? I suck at pencil shading too UNLESS I'm doing something super-realistic. (Boooooring.) I need to work on my mark-making.

When I was a freshman in college, one of my first art classes did an interesting experiment. We were all told to draw someone NOT ourselves. Then we put all the art on the wall, and you could definitely tell who drew what (before we really knew each other), because it's natural to make people resemble yourself. Who do you look at in the mirror every day? Who do we know best?

BTW, SPN this Friday? Big tv? Popcorn? Yeeeeeah, you know you want it...


honeylocusttree May 4 2012, 15:25:58 UTC
Well I guess I can't go see the Avengers until I see the new ep, so I'll be there! With comics!

Also if Sam comes out looking like me too I'm going to be a bit peeved. >.


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honeylocusttree May 4 2012, 15:27:09 UTC
Consensus seems to be stick with the pencil, so I will, at least for now. And yeah, I want them to look like people who could slaughter their way through a crowd of zombies and/or vampires, and that actually takes some muscle.

Finishing up Samantha now! She has split ends. ;)


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honeylocusttree May 5 2012, 14:44:17 UTC

I've never had a muse. Do I have to water you twice a day and turn you toward the sunlight?


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