You l*ser!

Apr 04, 2012 22:53

Last night I had a dream about people misspelling 'lose' on the internet. (After seeing it that day anyway ( Read more... )


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embroiderama April 5 2012, 03:01:45 UTC
Oh man, loose/lose makes me NUTS.


honeylocusttree April 5 2012, 03:03:42 UTC
I think because it's just so STUPID and easy to fix and I feel like people who do it are just flaunting how much they don't care at all. GRAH!



embroiderama April 5 2012, 03:05:24 UTC
I know! And, like, I've been hanging out in the forums on <---see the word spelled in the site name right there? And guess how often it's misspelled. *siiiiigh*


honeylocusttree April 5 2012, 03:06:58 UTC
I'm afraid it's becoming a standard form of the word. *wails and gnashes teeth*

I could never be a JH English teacher because my head would explode in a shower of confetti the first time I had to grade student essays.


embroiderama April 5 2012, 03:10:12 UTC
Me too! I don't mean to be so judgmental but when I read posts from people who absolutely cannot spell at all it's like a giant flashing sign of MORON MORON MORON in my head. It makes me realize how relatively good fandom is at things like that.


honeylocusttree April 5 2012, 03:21:13 UTC
I shouldn't laugh at that but I feel a good old-fashioned LOL is appropriate in these circumstances.

I will literally stop reading a fic if I come across a misplaced 'loose'. I once made it all the way to the end of one when it appeared, and I felt so *betrayed*--my actual thought was 'But I thought you were a good writer."

I had to finish the fic. I was so conflicted.

(Also my cat just tried to grope your icon. In a desultory sort of way.)


embroiderama April 5 2012, 03:24:23 UTC
That's just the way JDM likes to be groped, especially by cats. ;)


honeylocusttree April 6 2012, 01:32:53 UTC
I am simultaneously horrified and intrigued by this...


tifaching April 6 2012, 00:19:42 UTC
Me too. I see it in so many fics that are so good otherwise. I was very disappointed in the spn last author standing comm when a fic won a round when it used loose instead of lose twice. It kind of goes to show you just how unnoticed it is.


tifaching April 6 2012, 00:16:55 UTC


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