On fic and ripped from the headlines stories...

Mar 23, 2012 15:26

A month or so ago I thought I wanted to revisit an idea I'd had early in my entry into the SPN fandom (last year? Earlier?). Specifically, I was interested in writing an AU dealing with the demobilization, disarmament and rehabilitation of child soldiers. I wanted to write about the SPN verse as if all the kids were being taken into custody and efforts were being made to rehabilitate them after a lifetime lived as soldiers.

Then there was a lot of stuff (and still is, ongoing) about the Invisible Children NGO and all that, and I thought, "Well there's no way I can write about this *now.*"

I guess that's okay. I mean, it's a touchy subject, as it should be, and very messy. There's no way to really approach it in a fic setting that's 100% respectful, no matter how stringent one's own personal guidelines are, or how seriously an author attempts to approach the subject. So while I'm a little disappointed, because I thought it'd be an interesting topic to explore, on the other hand this is something that should probably be best understood through the lens of reality, and through fictionalized accounts by people far close to the subject matter.

fic writing

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