Sketch: Trueform!Cas

Mar 05, 2012 17:51

A kinda quick sketchy pic of trueform!Cas.

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ink, castiel, pencil, art

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Comments 8

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honeylocusttree March 6 2012, 22:03:19 UTC

Fair warning: the author is...decent, but has a tendency to be excessively verbose and rambling and a lot of the 'action' can be really hard to follow in her fics. I tried reading her Sky 'verse a while back and didn't get very far because half the time I had no idea what was going on. That said, when she does interactions where people are just talking, and static descriptions, it's a different story and an interesting read. So just...approach with caution, I guess.

She's a very popular author, I think, just FYI.


hokuton_punch March 6 2012, 03:46:11 UTC
Damn, that is eerie and lovely. ♥


honeylocusttree March 6 2012, 22:00:47 UTC
Aww, thank you! <3


inheritedjeans March 7 2012, 22:36:43 UTC
Wow, awesome! I love how it's like everything that he is is just spilling out of his human shell. That he's so much more. That bit with his right arm/hand is really great! And I like that dragon head there.


honeylocusttree March 7 2012, 23:46:03 UTC

I want to do a whole bunch of these with various Cas one-liners (like the flatbread thing) but have it be all these crazy faces and mouths and wings and the host body is barely even visible. I reaaally love trueform!Cas and I'm so peeved we'll never get anything like it on the show. Boo.


inheritedjeans March 7 2012, 23:58:51 UTC
That would be fantastic. I SUPPORT YOU IN THAT VENTURE.


honeylocusttree March 8 2012, 00:00:55 UTC
Hee! Having a cartoony style means I can use speech balloons to my heart's content. Aaah.

I need new pens though. *makes note*


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