Jan 06, 2009 13:35
dear world.
this computer is sounding its last death rattles. i woke this morning(afternoon) to find 20 my docs windows open, and a lovely bubble telling me my computer has been infected and "It is recommended to start spyware cleaner tool." um, kiss my ass computer. i would rather put you in the garbage. we've had a nice run since my 2oth birthday, but really, you're kind of outdated. i've been thinking of getting a mac lately anyway, and with that prospect, i am warmed.
i'm going to try and make data cds of all of my music and documents. i really wish i hadn't purchased new virus protection just this past september. that was a waste of money from this side of the coin. new firefox windows keep popping up with ads for spyware scanners that are clearly related to the virus.
good night, sweet prince. it's been swell.