Oct 20, 2010 17:18
I have learned a lot about myself in the past two months, and for the first time in a long time, I’ve truly been enjoying life.
I’m going to be making progress to get rid of a ton of stuff I don’t want. I’m really excited to begin decluttering and living a life with minimum possessions. This will not be easy, though. The thought of it is actually a bit scary given how much stuff I have stashed away… My goal is to fit all of my possession into my car - not including furniture, that is.
By the way, I actually returned that silk blouse from Brooks Brothers. I truly love it, but I have a feeling - a strong feeling - that it will go on sale soon.
I have realized, more than ever, that I truly dislike people who are
1. insecure and emotionally needy
2. so unhappy with themselves but do absolutely nothing about it
3. have nothing to live for but another person
4. a combination of 2 and 3 who only attain happiness by seeking validation through others’
5. exceedingly materialistic, especially when they can’t afford half the shit they buy (and in turn, shouldn’t be buying it) or live for stuff
6. hide their insecurity by attempting to be “edgy” and “cool” - this includes putting other people down to make themselves feel better.
I am also over people who
1. do nothing but gossip and bitch about others ad nauseum
2. are so wrapped up in themselves that everything must be about them
I can’t even begin to express how much I want to grab people by their shoulders and yell, “STOP IT.”
I know times get rough (and I’ve been there, too), but honestly, no one can be in a bad place for so long. Bad place happens and it may linger, but it isn’t forever. Things truly do get better, and each person has the ability to make things better, particularly, through an attitude change. Most people seem to put themselves through all the agony and drama they resent.
I know I’ve sung this tune for awhile. Life is short, and time goes by quickly. Yes, please feel free to cry and whine about horrible first world problems. It totally happens, but after awhile, it gets sad when people you interact with have nothing but first world problems leave their mouths.
It seems like most of my LJ friends no longer post or anything, but for those who do, what are you going to be for Halloween? :)