Jan 29, 2009 20:07
Probably best not to question my subject line too much. Tis V's observation of the dialogue in most Supernatural fics. We spent most of today saying it to each other. :D
I want to watch Being Human but the last two times that I tried, iplayer spasmed. Though saying that, it's considerably more likely to be an internet issue. It's still playing up, I have lost hope of it ever liking Carnarvon Road internet again. BUT it does seem to be letting me on at least once a day now, which is brilliant news. :D I don't think it's been too long since I last updated, but there are bound to be things to discuss.
I shall begin with academia and all its related issues. I found out today that I didn't get the resource room job - WANK, essentially. I shall continue to live in there though, geekishly translating my Latin work. I managed to accidentally round up all of my Classics geeks I study with (of which I have three - sad times!) and we worked together in the Resource Room...mostly. :) People are all much busier this term, what with dissertation panic, and so I've had play mates on campus outside of Soph, Rosie and Jo! Although very little gets accomplished when I work with Laura and Verity. I spent yesterday doodling Sam and Dean cartoons with Laura, and spent today collapsing all over Catullus while Verity almost died through hatred of Wilkie Collins’ secondary sources. Hopefully V will be doing a masters next year so I'll still have a few friends here! I no longer think the library is evil, but I dread the day I have to find books in there alone - it's huge and like a maze!
Oh no, this is going to be a rambley entry by the looks of things. Anyway, the most bizarre thing happened on Monday - I got my Latin exam back. Not strange in itself, but although it was a piss easy exam, I expected anything between 60 and 90%. I GOT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, WHAT?! Admittedly it equates GCSE Latin, BUT STILL! The highest I'd ever gotten in Uni level coursework (which the exam apparently was o.0) was 72% - dead languages which dramatically pull up my average for the win! We've started the perfect tense in Latin now, oh noes. It's weeeeird, it puts x's in the 3rd conjugations! Well, for one verb anyway.
Nothing much has been happening, due to everyone lacking funds. Anna (Laura's housemate) is having a party tomorrow where the only requirement is to wear pretty dresses. I went off the pill around a month ago, and either that some unknown angst caused me to go a bit mental a week or so ago, so I have lovely scar marks on my chest, and 2 faded cuts on my arm. The chest isn't too noticeable, but the arm is quite obviously a cut, though it wasn't deep. Agh. That was horrible though, I had a week of feeling fat, disgusting and weepy. I was seconds away from trying to make myself sick when Jenny called. I'm absolutely fine now, but it was all quite worrying for me at the time... o.0
Everyone is splitting up. Seriously, everyone. The only couple I currently know are Alice and Will. Verity and Steve broke up a few days ago, but I won't get into that. Suffices to say that I'm not pleased and hope she's coping alright with it all. :( Jess has also split up with her boyfriend - gah, January has been a horrible month of angst, February should be nice to everyone or there is no balance!
I can't do Roman Epiiiic. I'm keeping up with Latin, I'm managing to do the work for Roman Love Poetry (though seriously Catullus 68b, what the actual fuck?) but I can't sit down and read The Aeneid. I manage about 50 lines and just give up. This is very unfortunate as there's only one week left of it before we move onto Ovid's Metamorphoses and I'm likely to write my essay on T.A. I really can't rely on A level knowledge at this stage!
I need to find a decent hall next year. I was planning on going back to Student Village again, but £120 a week?? No thanks. Any suggestions Reading ladies? Don't say Childs. :) I'm thinking Wessex but I don't know what to put for a second choice.
That's all there is from me. No exciting tales, no boy gossip. Definitely no exciting tales about boy gossip. Curses.
being human,
the resource room,
self harm,
those pesky roman love poets,
the aeneid,
hall stress,
the metamorphoses,
essay results,
job fail,
roman epic,