Happy 2009!

Jan 01, 2009 22:24

OH MY GOD! It has been more than two months since I have updated this journal. And the first day of 2009 is coming to an end already.

I was watching the Johnny's countdown concert and was disappointed by what I saw. I was so looking forward to it too. There just wasn't enough footage of Kame. It was the same case last year too. And why is he always look so lonesome during the performances (besides the one with Nino)? Doshite Kame? Poor Kame. Always so lonely by himself. He look so withdrawn and quiet. Gambatte Ne Kame chan.

And Jin is practicing fawning over Ryo, Pi and even MatsuJun. He looks so bloody happy with them but how come there was not even a single interaction with Kame? BIG, HUGE, BLOODY disappointing!

Also how come they don't have anymore backstage footages? It was also entertaining and refreshing to see how the different groups interacted with each other. To observe and speculate the dynamics between kouhai and senpai. I feel so down right now!

Hope that the SP Cartoon KAT-TUN episode next week will cheer me up. Also can't wait to watch Kame chan in his new dorama. Simply can't get over how ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and DELICIOUS he looks in his new hairstyle. It suits him to a T!

countdown concert, akakame

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