I'm Alive ... for now

Aug 26, 2007 13:50

Well, don't ask me for photographic proof or I will go zombie on your ass. Mmmm ... Christian Bale ... so tasty. If I had to eat somebody ... anyways ....

Right. So Hurricane Dean passed through a week ago and just about ruined what is left of my so-called vacation. We have no electricity and we just got water back two days ago. The most precious commodity in all of Kingston is ice. Some people have water. Some people have electricity. Very few have both and you need both to make ice, so every evening people search the usual places for ice, only to find it either severely rationed (one bag per household) or nonexistent.

I know I should be grateful. My roof didn't blow off. My walls are in place and I have water. All of my family members are alive and unharmed. Well, my godfather broke his baby toe but lets get some perspective. Many Jamaicans were less fortunate. Entire villages were washed away on the South East coast and we have 3 confirmed fatalities, not to mention the two utility workers that were electricuted trying to restore power.

Still, there's no electricity and thus no cable and internet (I'm on my godfather's PC borrowing his INTERNETS in case you were wondering). Last night was the first time I had watched television in 6 days. GASP! I know! I missed The Hills and Kyle XY (Spencer must die!). I managed to catch Man U. versus Tottenham this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. I realized that while things seemed to have grinded to a halt here, the world just keeps on turning. The starlets still spend too little time in jail and in their underwear. Ryan Seacrest is still on Atkins. Rosie O'Donnell is still a bitch. Tom Cruise is still f___ annoying. I wasn't even missed.

hurricane dean, jamaica

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