its all the streets we crossed not so long ago
I loved our dirty citty and everything expirimental till death was appon me and I escaped the grips of mortality time and time again one of the few lucky to escape but at what cost as I now feel the realisation that I traded a part of myself -my home my love for a clean escape my Los Angeles to San Diego that spot where the broken sidewalks and sodden turf met the escape of the shoreline and the drop away from reality into the briney salt water. I miss those people full of despair with their pirate smiles and synical happynes I miss those children who work to run and play in the murky tides of the our beach or that magik spot wher the street winds just shy of being washed away forever I miss sublime creeping out of oppen windows and hammocks on bright aqua blue and tangerine porches weatherd by the ocean spray and that blond that only comes from being bleached by the sun in the surf I miss sandles and greeser sexy mexicano mechanicks and there rockabilly I miss the street urchin riotting punks who'l smack you with their deck then ask questions befor they spit on you and skate away I miss the surf girls and laid back dudes who like to drink sangria and eat sushi and homemade tortilla chips and mango griled chicken salsa I miss my sad freinds theyr all gonna kick tomarrow I miss being that close with somebody I miss lying for my freinds I mis waking up on the beach and hearing the coaster and the waves crashing those things that kept rythm with my heart
tomarow will be halfway reminisant riding the train into the citty. This place will never be home!
fuck texas!!!!
california is home