Mar 19, 2007 21:52
So what do the cool kids do on spring break?
no seriously... I'd kinda wanna know
since all I've been doing is blowing my nose... not from a new coke habbit... from a cold
well today I went to Cap for the first time... I fell in love... I really wanna go there! it seems so awesome! the entire film program! shiza!
and at the end of the tour when I turned my cell on it started vibrating and I got a call from Sara and I answered and suddenly I am talking to Josh from Marianas Trench? interesting hahaha
yea I missed the show but they still talked to me haha
Tomorrow is my aunt katie's birthday party... wednesday is aquarium with kidlings from RMACL, Thursday is wave pool with kidlings... and editing... oh fun... and Friday is me and Christy's date
yea it's our 3 year anniversary of being best friends hahaha
don't ask me how I remember these things...
now my tummy's grumbling... blargh
I figured out that I need a girls' night when I'm less gross to look at...
which will be never
oh snap
... burning myself...
I'm so lonely hahahhaha
i was actually gonna say something...oh yea... cus I realized that I only told one person something and it really bothers me cus I can't move on since it's such a violation of somebody's person... I dunno I can't explain it...
I don't think I'll end up telling anybody cus it's messing me up
I was supposed to drive to capilano but my mom was being a cranker
and then she couldn't admit she was wrong
then on the way back from cap she kept saying "oh they only take that many people in? so even if they like you, you'll prolly only stay for a year" saying they wouldn't want me back and doubting I'd get in
then she has the nerve to tell me to keep my hopes up
they have no faith in me...
somebody wanna bribe the school to get me in?
or give them a kick ass lap dance?
any takers?
you all suck...
not really
sarah has a fever
imma go chug down some more nyquil